
  • 网络Market share prediction;Market share forecast
  1. 中国商业银行信用卡市场占有率预测

    How to Forecast Credit Card Market Share in China

  2. 马氏链在市场占有率预测和促销决策中的应用

    The Application of Markov Chain in Market Occupation Rate and Promotion Decision Making

  3. 均衡市场占有率预测的不动点算法

    The Fixed Points Algorithm on the Forecast of Occupied Rate in Balanced Market

  4. 同时在预测误差分析的基础上对基于马尔可夫分析的市场占有率预测模型进行了评析。

    Some estimates were made to our model at the basis of error analysis .

  5. 本文结合案例,阐释了应用马尔柯夫法进行产品销售状况预测和市场占有率预测的系统方法。

    This paper states the ways of applying the Morkov method to forecast the product sales state and the market share with examples .

  6. 在企业产品销售状况数理描述和合理假设的基础上,将企业产品销售状况预测归结为销售量预测与市场占有率预测。

    Based on the mathematical description of the sales status of enterprise product and some reasonable hypothesis , the main problem of forecasting the sales status of enterprise product is transformed into two sub-problems including forecasting sales volume and forecasting market share .

  7. 本文提出了利用平滑BP神经网络模型进行商品市场占有率时序预测的方案,并通过实验证明:这种模型比一般的BP神经网络模型预测精度稍高。

    We design a model based on BP Neural Network with a smoothing factor to predict the market share of the enterprise product . The result of experiment shows that the forecasting precision of this model is higher than the classical model .

  8. 配送中心可以对几种同类产品的未来市场占有率进行预测从而实现自身价值和提高客户满意度。

    Distribution center can predict the future occupation rate of market for several kinds of like products to realize one 's own value and raise customer satisfaction .

  9. 介绍了马氏链的基本原理,通过构造产品的状态转移矩阵,运用马尔可夫模型对牙膏产品的销售过程进行了市场占有率的预测。

    This paper introduces the basic principle of Markov chain , and predicts the market occupation rate for the selling process of toothpaste products by using Markov model .

  10. 本文使用马尔科夫链的概率转移矩阵的方法,建立了信用卡市场占有率的预测模型,并给出了一些事例论证。

    In this paper , three market occupancy rate models were built by using probability transfer matrix method of Markov chain . Several examples were given to explain the models .

  11. 利用转移概率矩阵研究经济系统中市场占有率及虫害预测等问题。

    Market sharing and insect forecasting in economic system were analysed by transition probability matrix .

  12. 在坐标测量机销售上,从信息的收集及整理、市场需求及销售量指标预测、市场占有率预测决策、制定销售目标、销售目标的分解与落实五个方面进行了深入的研究分析。

    The forecast on market demand and sales target ; the decision-making for market share , how to set up the sales target , how to disassemble the sales target .

  13. 考虑到在同一目标市场上同类企业产品市场占有率的相关性,建议采用产品市场占有率的状态空间预测模型,同时引入市场营销力增量的概念,建立市场占有率仿真模型;

    In the model forecasting market share , the increment of marketing force is inducted then the simulation model of market share is created .