
  1. 中国证券市场管理体制研究

    English catalog Abstract A Study of china 's security market management system

  2. 建立一元化的土地市场管理体制;

    Establishing the centralized administration system of land market ;

  3. 建立健全集中统一的市场管理体制,降低市场监管成本;

    Establish centralized securities market management system , lower the cost of market monitoring ;

  4. 目前,道路运输市场管理体制上的弊端是制约道路运输市场发展的一个极为重要的因素。

    At present , the system 's shortcoming becomes an important factor to restrain the development of road transport market .

  5. 最后在考察了国内外对货运代理市场管理体制的基础上,对如何规范管理与发展我国货运代理市场,本文也提出了自己的一些见解。

    Some suggestions about how to manage and develop our freight forwarding market are given in the end of this paper .

  6. 建立我国体育产业市场监督管理体制模式的研究

    Research on Establishing Supervise and Management System Model of Sports Industry Market in China

  7. 我国排球后备人才的培养与市场管理交流体制

    A Study of Training Auxiliary Volleyball Players and the System of Market Management in China

  8. 关于市场监督管理体制的建构

    Market-Administration System in China : Construction

  9. 推行市场化管理体制

    Carrying Out Market Administrative System

  10. 市场经济管理体制下,我国统计工作不仅要强调统计服务功能,也要注重统计的监督职能。

    In the market economy management system , the service function are offered by the statistic works , and the custody function will be know ;

  11. 随后,本文对国内成品油市场的管理体制、竞争状况和竞争特点进行了分析。

    On the basis of practice , the paper analyses the management system of market , competitive situation and characteristic of the internal finished oil market .

  12. 为此,文章对加强基于可持续发展的水资源价值研究和水资源市场化管理体制的建立的必要性及前景进行了论证和探索。

    So this thesis discusses the necessity and prospect of reinforcing the study of water value theory and setting up market management system of water resource .

  13. 在我国工程建设逐步转向市场化管理体制的过程中,施工企业成本管理也发生了相应的改革,开始转向以项目为核算单位的形式,企业对项目成本有了一定的约束和激励机制。

    While the project construction in our country turns into gradually the market management system , the cost management of construction enterprises also produces the corresponding reform , which the item is regarded as the accounting unit . The enterprises build their restricting and prompting system .

  14. 第二章,主要讨论了会计市场上的管理体制。

    In chapter two , I discuss management system of Accounting Market .

  15. 将市场机制导入管理体制,让社会各界关注我们足球后备人才的培养。

    Introducing the market system into the management system to absorb the attention from all societies .

  16. 随着我国经济的发展,管制利率体制越来越不适应经济发展的需要,建立富有弹性的市场化利率管理体制显得尤为迫切。

    We have to abolish the planned system of interest rate and establish a flexible market system of interest rate to meet our market economic system .

  17. 对我国现阶段普通高校排球运动发展的现状进行了分析,认为经济与市场、管理与体制、提高与普及等因素是影响我国现阶段普通高校排球运动发展的主要因素。

    This paper analyzes main factors influencing the development of the Chinese college volleyball which comprise the economy and market , management and system , promotion and popularity etc.

  18. 规范市场管理,深化体制改革,国家垄断专营并制定法律予以保护,均是体育彩票持续发展的前提和保障。

    The prerequisite and guarantee for sustainable development of sports lottery are standardization of market management , deepening the reform of system , the State 's monopoly sales and law protection .

  19. 应进一步深化体育产业政策的改革,进一步开放体育市场,完善管理体制,建立有效的培训体系。

    Thus , it is necessary to further deepen the policy reform of industrial sports , further open the sports market , improve the regulatory system and establish effective training system .

  20. 南水北调中线是一项跨流域、跨省市的特大型调水工程,中线供水调度是一个极其复杂的问题,涉及技术运用、准市场运作和管理体制等因素。

    Middle Route Scheme of South-North Water Diversion is a super large project that crosses basins and provinces , and water supply regulation is a very complex problem that relates to factors of technology application , quasi-market operation and management system .

  21. 最后,根据两者的相同点,借鉴高速公路的投融资模式,对于客运专线建设的投融资改革提出了以下建议:建立适应市场经济的管理体制;

    Finally , according to the same point , drawn experience from the highway financing models , and made the following recommendations for the reform of the passenger special railway investment and financing : to establish a management system in line with the market economy ;

  22. 第一部分,系统介绍了我国供水行业的行业现状,从供水企业、供水市场、供水管理体制和水利工程水价和水费收取等几个方面分析了我国供水行业的当前情况及存在的问题和差距。

    The first part , the paper introduces the present condition of the water supply industry of our country in details , and analyzes the problems and deficiencies from the aspects of water supply factories and enterprises , water supply markets , administrant system and the price of water .

  23. 因此,运用市场规律对会计管理体制进行必要的改革势在必行。

    So it is necessary to reform accountant management system using market rules .

  24. 但是过度市场化的公共管理体制也不利于社会公正和弱势群体的保护。

    But the excessive marketization of public management systemis not conducive to social justice and the protection of vulnerable groups .

  25. 行政垄断在我国的产生有其复杂的原因:一是传统的计划经济体制的影响和束缚还没有根除,适应市场经济体制的管理体制还没有完全建立;

    The reasons for the existence of administrative monopoly are complicated : The influence & bondage of traditional planned economy system ;

  26. 社区建设的日益充分发展,是我国市场经济和社会管理体制不断成熟的标志。

    Increasingly sufficient development of community is the symbol of market economy and social management system in our country which is gradually maturing .

  27. 在众多的制度因素中,导致我国物流高成本运行的关键是现行的市场准入和行政管理体制,这两大因素是降低我国物流成本的最主要、最迫切的根源性因素。

    Among these institutional factors , the key factors are market access and administration that are the most principal factors to cut the cost of logistics .

  28. 勘察设计咨询行业要建立符合市场经济要求的管理体制和运行机制,就必须对勘察设计单位进行战略性改造。

    The prospective design institute is urgently needed to be reformed strategically in order to establish managerial system and operating system to meet the requirements of market economy .

  29. 传统的由国家统一调配的人才管理体制正在向适应社会主义市场经济的新型管理体制转变。

    Traditional talent management system in our country , united distributing , is turning to new style management system , which is more adopting socialism marketing economic system .

  30. 在目前的市场状况和企业管理体制下,盲目追求管理信息系统的快速发展是不现实的。

    Under the system of business management and the present market condition of our country , the blindly pursue fast development of management information system is not realistic .