
  1. 阿多,请你帮忙把布兰带到大厅去吧?

    Hodor , will you help Bran down to the hall ?

  2. 他会杀掉你再割断布兰的喉咙.

    He would have killed you and cut Bran 's throat .

  3. 布兰代斯大学(BrandeisUniversity)撤销了对索马里出生的活动家阿亚安·希尔西·阿里(AyaanHirsiAli)的邀请。

    Brandeis University rescinded its invitation to Ayaan Hirsi Ali , the Somali-born activist .

  4. 泰国BT资产管理公司的总经理布兰南卡农达说,削减利率起到了镇定作用。

    Anusorn Buranankanonda , managing director of BT Asset Management in Thailand , says the cuts had a calming effect .

  5. 事实上,2008年8月,麻省理工学院(MIT)的教授奥利维尔•布兰查德【目前担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)的首席经济学家】明确地说:“宏观态势良好。”

    In fact , in August 2008 , Olivier Blanchard , professor at MIT and now chief economist at the IMF plainly stated that , " the state of macro is good . "

  6. 然而,三姐妹为了布兰维尔的多年牺牲,付出了沉重的代价。

    But years of sacrifice for Banwell had taken their toll .

  7. 会从河间路或布兰查德路上突袭

    is either gonna come up River Road or Blanchard Road .

  8. 一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术。

    A detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro .

  9. 布兰:卫希里要娶她。

    Brent : ashley Wilkes is going to marry her .

  10. 布兰和我在埃及度过了一个美妙的假日。

    Bren and I had a brilliant holiday in egypt .

  11. 布兰私下认为它是狼群里最聪明的一只。

    Bran thought he was the smartest of the litter .

  12. 布兰尖叫着飞出窗外,落进半空。

    Screaming , Bran went backward out the window into empty air .

  13. 这句话如利刃刺进布兰心坎。

    The word was a knife through Bran 's heart .

  14. 布兰相信就连鲁温师傅也不知道这条捷径。

    Even Maester Luwin didn 't know that , Bran was convinced .

  15. 我会尽我所能帮助布兰。

    I will give Bran whatever small help is in my power .

  16. 导致庄稼绝收的是布兰多的玩意儿。

    What 's killing the crops is this brawndo stuff .

  17. 布兰沿着肩膀摸索,想找自己的羽毛。

    Bran felt along his shoulders , groping for feathers .

  18. 布兰很不舒服地看着提利昂·兰尼斯特的眼睛。

    Bran was uncomfortably aware of Tyrion Lannister 's eyes .

  19. 我认为布兰不是失足坠落的.

    I don 't think Bran fell from that tower .

  20. 布兰:你认识美兰尼小姐吗?她从亚特兰大城来。

    Brent : well , you know Miss Melanie Hamilton from atlanta ?

  21. 布兰抓紧扶手坐下,残废的双腿在空中摆荡。

    Bran clasped them as he sat , his useless legs dangling .

  22. 布兰往下看,觉得五脏六腑简直都要融化。

    Bran looked down , and felt his insides turn to water .

  23. 只卖出两本,就连布兰维尔也哂笑她们。

    Even Branwell might have snickered : they sold only 2 copies .

  24. 我已经几个月没见到布兰和瑞肯。

    I haven 't seen Bran or Rickon in months .

  25. 布兰:那么,我们可以和你跳华尔兹舞了?

    BRENT : Now do we get those waltzes ?

  26. 布兰的爸爸在周末给我买了一些很好的手制巧克力。

    Bren 's father bought me some wonderful handmade chocolates at the weekend .

  27. 这只是一场梦。布兰说。

    It 's just a dream , Bran said .

  28. 是布兰的事,但不是你想的那样。凯特琳道。

    It is Bran , but not as you think , Catelyn said .

  29. 我现在并没有意思要发表你同布兰唐夫人的通信。

    I have no present intention of publishing your correspondence with Mr. Brandon .

  30. 你说的是异鬼罢。布兰暴躁地说。

    You mean the Others , Bran said querulously .