
  • 网络bhutto;benazir bhutto;Zulfikar Ali Bhutto;Christian Louboutin
  1. 他把我们选出来的总理佐.布托抓了起来,指控他叛国,并在拉瓦尔品第把他处以绞刑。

    He arrested our elected prime minister , Zulfikar Ali Bhutto , and had him tried for treason then hanged from a scaffold in Rawalpindi jail .

  2. 佐勒菲卡尔??阿里??布托在为其创建的巴基斯坦人民党选择掌门人时,就是选择其女儿贝娜齐尔??布托,而并没有选择同样是国会议员的儿子穆尔塔扎??布托。

    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto did this when choosing Benazir to run his Pakistan People 's Party , overlooking his son , Murtaza , who was also a member of parliament .

  3. 鞘内泵入布托啡诺对神经病理性疼痛大鼠脊髓P物质表达的影响

    Effect of intrathecal butorphanol pumping on the expression of spinal substance P in rats with neuropathic pain

  4. 鞘内泵入布托啡诺对慢性压迫性损伤大鼠脊髓NO产量和NOS、AchE活性的影响

    Effects of intrathecal butorphanol on NO production and activities of NOS and AchE in rats with chronic constriction injury

  5. 布托在题为《退出欧元:实用指南》(LeavingtheEuro:APracticalGuide)的这份114页报告中为成员国退出这一共同货币联盟时应当采取的步骤绘出了蓝图。

    In a 114-page report , " leaving the euro : a practical guide , " Bootle delivered a blueprint for the steps a nation should take in exiting the common currency .

  6. 对照组:采用坐位布托带颈椎牵引,隔2d日牵引1次,10次为1个疗程。

    Control group : patients were treated with cervical spinal traction in a sitting position once every three days for totally 10 times as one course .

  7. 结论1.妇科经腹手术在术前应用帕瑞昔布钠可降低术后患者VAS评分,与布托啡诺相比无显著差异。

    Gynecologic laparotomy surgery used parecoxib sodium before operation could reduce VAS and there were no differences compare with butorphanol . 2 .

  8. 目的观察布托啡诺持续静脉输注镇痛(CVA)用于全髋置换手术后病人的临床效应及安全性。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect and side effect of continuous venous analgesia ( CVA ) with butorphanol in the patients undergoing total hip replacement .

  9. B组、C组、D组分别在臂丛神经阻滞前5min静注布托啡诺0.5mg、1mg、2mg。

    Group B , group C and group D ( test group ) respectively intravenously injected the patient with Butorphanol 0.5 mg , 1 mg and 2 mg before 5 min brachial plexus block .

  10. 1976年,在保守党协会的一场舞会上,贝娜齐尔‧布托(BenazirBhutto)介绍梅与她未来的丈夫菲利浦‧梅(PhilipMay)认识。布托也是牛津的学生,后来成为巴基斯坦第一位女总理。

    At a Conservative Association dance in 1976 , she was introduced to Philip May , her future husband , by Benazir Bhutto , a fellow student who would go on to become the first female prime minister of Pakistan .

  11. 穆沙拉夫把贝?布托的死归咎到TTP党的领导人拜亚图拉?马哈苏德的头上,并对外公布了一个他们截获到的对话记录副本,内容听起来应该是拜亚图拉及其手下在讨论这次的攻击事件。

    Musharraf blamed Benazir 's death on Baitullah Mehsud , the TTP leader , and released a transcript of an intercepted phone call that was supposed to be between him and a fellow militant discussing the attack .

  12. 布托啡诺术后硬膜外自控镇痛的剂量探讨

    Effects of different dose of butorphanol in patient controlled epidural analgesia

  13. 布托也是第三世界重要的反帝国主义领袖。

    Bhutto was an important anti-imperialist leader in the Third World .

  14. 贝.布托19岁的儿子被指定为她的继任者。

    Ms. Bhutto 's designated heir is her 19-year old son .

  15. 布托啡诺超前镇痛在瑞芬太尼麻醉腹腔镜胆囊切除术中的应用

    Application of butorphanol preemptive analgesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomy with remifentanil anaesthesia

  16. 布托啡诺与芬太尼用于剖宫产术后镇痛效果的对照研究

    Control study on analgesic effect comparing butorphanol to fentanyl after cesarean section

  17. 布托啡诺联合曲马多-罗哌卡因用于硬膜外分娩镇痛的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Epidural Butorphanol Combined with Tramadol-ropivacaine for Analgesia during Labor

  18. 全子宫切除术后布托啡诺与曲马多静脉自控镇痛的比较

    Comparison of intravenous analgesia with butorphanol and tramadol after hysterectomy

  19. 布托啡诺对罗哌卡因腋路臂丛神经阻滞效果影响的临床研究

    Effect of butorphanol on ropivacaine for axillary brachial plexus block

  20. 布托遭暗杀的消息在南亚地区其它国家引发强烈反响。

    The shock of the assassination reverberated strongly elsewhere in the region .

  21. 布托啡诺联合吗啡用于术后皮下自控镇痛

    Application of Patient-controlled Subcutaneous Analgesia with Butorphanol and Morphine Postoperation

  22. 布托家族其他成员己经放弃成为继承人的可能了。

    Other Bhutto clan-members are already sniping at her successors .

  23. 低剂量纳洛酮对布托啡诺镇痛效应的影响

    The effect of low dose naloxone on analgesia of butorphanol

  24. 吗啡联合布托啡诺在全子宫切除术术后镇痛中的应用

    Application of Analgesia with Morphine and Butorphanol after UD Resection

  25. 布托啡诺和芬太尼用于妇科术后患者自控静脉镇痛

    Postoperative patient-controlled intravenous analgesia with butorphanol and fentanyl in patients underwent hysterectomy

  26. 布托生前曾经多次抱怨没有获得足够的安全保障。

    The former prime minister had complained repeatedly about a lack of security .

  27. 贝。布托19岁的儿子被指定为她的继任者。

    Bhutto 's designated heir is her19-year old son .

  28. 布托啡诺对瑞芬太尼麻醉苏醒期的影响

    Effects of butorphanol in remifentanil anesthesia during recovery period

  29. 但她想像贝-布托一样。

    But she wants to be like Binazir butto .

  30. 布托啡诺和芬太尼伍用异丙酚后对自主呼吸的影响

    Effects of Propofolum in Combination with Butorphanol or with Fentanyl on Spontaneous Breathing