
  • 网络brownie;Chocolate Brownie
  1. 克雷恩指出,有一家知名公司已经停止促销其核桃布朗尼蛋糕粉。

    One well-known company has stopped promoting its walnut brownie mix , notes Mr Crain .

  2. 晚餐吃黑巧克力花生黄油布朗尼蛋糕。

    Dark chocolate peanut butter brownies for dinner .

  3. 科学家们使用布朗尼蛋糕对志愿者们进行了相关测试。

    Scientists offered brownies to volunteers .

  4. 再加上西瓜和巧克力布朗尼蛋糕,你便给自己准备了一顿完美的野餐。

    Serve with watermelon and chocolate brownies , and you 've got yourself a top-notch picnic .

  5. 软布朗尼蛋糕组比硬蛋糕那组人估计出的热量值高55%。

    And the group that ate the softer brownies produced estimates for their caloric value 55 percent higher than the estimates for the hard brownies by the subjects who ate them .