
  • 网络Heath;Hiss;Edward Heath;Isis
  1. 希斯先生并不是这一理想的唯一倡导者。

    Mr heath is not the only exponent of this ideal .

  2. 你先去找希斯和艾迪巴祖。

    But first I want you to find heath and Eddie barzoon .

  3. 希斯与3G有长期的良好关系,在CEO接班问题上知根知底往往胜过激进冒险。

    Hees has a long relationship with 3G , and familiarity often trumps boldness when it comes to CEO succession .

  4. 听着MP3,我发现飞机已经在伦敦希斯路机场降落了。

    Listening to my mp3s , I noticed our plane had already landed at London Heathrow Airport .

  5. ACE是一项回报率巨大的风险投资,希斯考克把这场晨会称为ACE的“诺曼底之日”。

    In theory the ACE was still a venture of immense national importance , and Hiscocks had called this its ' D-Day ' .

  6. 1月21日,国家物理实验室的秘书长E·S·希斯考克报告:“邮政实验室已经成功地保持一个数值在延迟线上循环了半个小时。

    On 21 January E.S. Hiscocks , the NPL Secretary , had reported that ' the Post Office had succeeded in keeping a number circulating for half an hour through their delay line set-up .

  7. 当微软Office365的副总裁柯克•柯尼希斯鲍尔(KirkKoenigsbauer)出现在苹果(Apple)产品推介会的舞台上时,技术圈的很多人都感觉太阳打西边出来了。

    Many in the tech world thought the sky had fallen in when Kirk Koenigsbauer , vice-president of Microsoft 's Office 365 , appeared on stage at an Apple product launch .

  8. 最近,伯纳尔多•希斯从汉堡快餐业转到了调味料行业:宣布辞去汉堡王(BurgerKing)CEO职位,转任亨氏(Heinz)CEO。

    Last week , Bernardo hees moved from burgers to condiments , announcing that he would leave his job as CEO of Burger King ( BKW ) to CEO of Heinz ( HNZ ) .

  9. 曼联最先的名儿叫牛顿希斯LYR(兰开夏和约克郡铁路)。最先的足球衣是绿色彩加黄色的。

    Manchester United were originally called NEWTON HEATH LYR . ( lancashire and Yorkshire Railways ) . The original kit was green and yellow .

  10. 希斯罗机场地面交通接驳事务主管克里斯?乔伊斯(ChrisJoyce)表示,使用这种技术有助于减轻发达国家交通中对私家车的依赖。希斯罗利用自动驾驶摆渡车在停车场和5号航站楼之间接送乘客。

    Chris Joyce , head of surface access for Heathrow , which uses autonomous shuttles to link a car park to Terminal 5 , says that such uses of technology can help to shift transport in developed countries away from dependence on private cars .

  11. 会有人开车到希斯特斯接你。

    Someone would have driven into sisters to pick you up .

  12. 我真高兴希斯告诉了我怎么回事。

    I 'm must glad heather told me what was up .

  13. 告诉我,希斯先生,下一站是哪里?

    Tell me , what is the next stop , Sir hiss ?

  14. 我和老板、希斯、巴祖在楼上。

    I 'm upstairs with milton , heath and barzoon .

  15. 我真不敢相信你邀请她,希斯。

    I can 't believe you invited her , heather .

  16. 路希斯跟艾薇的事是真的吗?

    Ls it true * About Lucius and lvy ?

  17. 确保希斯尽快找出它的巢穴。

    Make sure that Hicks finds that nest before it 's too late .

  18. 希斯克里夫开直升机把我们接回来的。

    Heathcliff picked us up in the family chopper .

  19. 而你的,山姆卫斯·詹吉是用希斯蓝制作的精灵绳索。

    And for you , Samwise Gamgee , Elven rope made of hithlain .

  20. 感受着你的爱!望你一切都好!希斯·莱杰,埃尼斯。

    Feel the love ! All the Best , Heath Ledger Ennis Del Mar ;

  21. 我看得见世界,路希斯·亨特,只是跟你看世界的体例纷歧样。

    I see the world , Lucius Hunt , just not as you see it .

  22. 在整个希斯案件中,他的目的是阻碍我们揭露真相。

    His goal throughout the hiss case was to obstruct our efforts to uncover the facts .

  23. 有一天晚上,玫琳凯在奥瓦•希斯•斯普那摩尔的家中展示这些产品。

    One night , Mary Kay was showing these products at the home of Ova Heath Spoonemore .

  24. 埃克莱斯顿在15岁的时候离开伯里来到默西塞德,尽管他出生在曼狗的势力范围&曼彻斯特的牛顿希斯。

    Eccleston left Bury for Merseyside when he was15 and was born in United territory-Newton Heath in Manchester .

  25. 佐拉茨教堂(圣战者教堂)是叶赫希斯村的主要景观。

    Zorats Church ( the Church of the Holy Troops ) is the main sightseeing of Yeghegis village .

  26. 似乎刚做父母的人都给他们的宝宝取名叫希斯、恩、力克或是亚当。

    It seems that all new parents are naming their babies heather , dawn , eric , or adam .

  27. 当被问及,“为什么是希斯·莱杰演小丑?”克里斯托佛·诺兰说:“因为他无所畏惧。”

    When asked ," Why Heath Ledger as the Joker ?" Christopher Nolan said ," Because he 's fearless . "

  28. 准确的定位和编码器是由伺服控制马达以及高精确度的三件希斯耦合。

    The positioning and accuracy are controlled by encoders from servo motors as well as a high precision three-pieces Hirth coupling .

  29. 警方称希斯·莱杰的管家发现他死在纽约时尚地区自己的公寓里。

    The police said Heath Ledger was found at his apartment in a trendy area of New York by his housekeeper .

  30. “我不想杀了你,”希斯。莱吉尔扮演的精神变态者“小丑”对克利斯汀。贝尔扮演的坚毅的蝙蝠侠说。

    " I don 't want to kill you ," Heath Ledger 's psycho Joker tells Christian Bale 's stalwart Batman .