
  • 网络Greek Hero;Heroes Of Hellas;Heroes of Hellas Athens
  1. 我甚至能更骄傲地来和各位分享一个基本的真理。作为哈佛的毕业生你也未必知道,除非你上过Nagy教授的课程,知道古希腊英雄人物。

    I 'm even prouder to share a fundamental truth that you might not have learned even as graduates of Harvard unless you studied the ancient Greek hero with Professor Nagy .

  2. 菲罗克忒忒斯:希腊英雄,杀死特洛伊王子帕里斯的人,是大力神赫拉克勒斯的儿子。

    A Greek hero who killed Paris and the son of Hercules .

  3. 把这位将军画成希腊英雄的一幅画。

    A picture of the general portraying him as a Greek hero .

  4. 最后是伟大的希腊英雄海克力斯拯救了普罗米修斯。

    The great Greek hero Hercules eventually freed Prometheus .

  5. 《奥德赛》描述了希腊英雄奥德修斯从特洛伊战争的归来。

    The Odyssey describes the return of the Greek hero Odysseus from the Trojan War .

  6. 奥狄修斯是传说中的希腊英雄。

    Odysseus was a legendary Greek hero .

  7. 毕竟不是每个演员都有机会扮演《特洛伊》里的传奇希腊英雄阿基里斯。

    After all , not every actor gets to play Achilles , the legendary Greek hero in Troy .

  8. 从《希腊英雄传》到《伊利亚特》的旅程并非一朝一夕之功,它也不会带给你双倍的快乐。

    From " Greek Heroes " to the Iliad was no day 's journey , nor was it altogether pleasant .

  9. 神话中的希腊英雄(罗马名尤利西斯);在荷马的奥德赛中,特洛伊被攻破后返回伊萨卡岛。

    A mythical Greek hero ( Roman name Ulysses ); his return to Ithaca after the siege of Troy was described in Homer 's Odyssey .

  10. 形成腹部六块肌肉的斜纹肌对于希腊英雄,奥林匹克铁饼运动员或者任何想要看上去健硕的人来说都是必须的。

    Strong obliques - the side muscles that frame your six-pack - are a must for Greek heroes , Olympic discus throwers , or anyone who wants to look like one .

  11. 独角戏《尤利西斯》中,丁尼生细致地描写了希腊英雄的种种事迹,简明地说:生活的各种经历,塑造了人。

    In Ulysses , a dramatic monologue detailing the Greek hero 's escapades , Tennyson succinctly offers his view that humans are shaped by a combination of all life 's experiences .

  12. 阿基里斯和海格立斯[何克力士]是古希腊的英雄。

    Achilles and Heracles were ancient Greek heroes .

  13. 小乌龟如能跑赢希腊传奇英雄阿喀琉斯?

    How could a humble tortoise beat the legendary Greek hero Achilles in a race ?

  14. (古)罗马和希腊的英雄年代

    The heroic age of Rome and Greece

  15. 希腊神话英雄;荷马的伊利亚特中与特洛伊交战的战士。

    A mythical Greek hero ; a warrior who fought against Troy in Homer 's Iliad .

  16. 本文简析了中国与希腊神话英雄在某些方面的差异及形成的原因。

    This paper briefly analyzes the differences and the corresponding reasons between Chinese dnd Greek mythological heroes in some way .

  17. 然而类似于希腊的英雄崇拜,这既不是因为授权而作,也不是作给群众的。

    Yet a hero cult similar to the Greek exists neither with those who commission the works nor with the public .

  18. 无论是对我们还是对古希腊的英雄们,最有效的意志力是能够把自己绑在最结实的桅杆上。

    For us , as for classical heroes , the most effective form of willpower is being able to tie ourselves to the sturdiest mast .

  19. 也就是说,他相信这些神在希腊的英雄时代创造了奇迹:推翻了母权制,代之以父权制。

    For , at bottom , he believes that the overthrow of mother-right by father-right was a miracle wrought during the Greek heroic age by these divinities .

  20. 赫拉克勒斯将成为希腊的英雄楷模,但他有一个强大的敌人,她想亲眼看着他毁灭,那就是宙斯的妻子&赫拉女神。

    Hercules would grow up to be Greece 's model hero , but he has one powerful enemy who wants to see him destroyed : Zeus 's wife , the Goddess Hera .

  21. 最后,希腊著名的英雄奥德修斯想出了一个木马计,用木头做了一匹巨马,放在特洛伊城外。

    At last , the famous Greek hero Odysseus came up with the " Trojan horse " trick , made a huge wooden horse , and put it out of Troy .

  22. 狄俄墨得斯:特洛伊战争中希腊的一个英雄,战神阿瑞斯的儿子。

    One of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War and the son of the Ares .

  23. 远至古希腊神话中的英雄,近到当下全社会人们,无不在为追求自由而奋斗。

    Both the heroes in ancient Greek myths and all the today 's people make a strenuous effort for freedom .

  24. 为了在希腊各国建立信誉,迦太基人糅合了希腊英雄赫拉克勒斯(以赫尔克里斯而闻名)和特洛伊守护神麦勒卡特。

    In order to establish their credentials within the Hellenic world the Carthaginians conflated the Greek hero , Heracles ( better known as Hercules ), with Melqart , his Tyrian counterpart .