
  • 网络paddington;paddington bear
  1. 他们于1927年4月7日在帕丁顿登记处注册结婚。

    They were married on 7 April 1927 at Paddington Register Office .

  2. 帕丁顿的圣玛丽医院这周成为政府资助的独立经营医院。

    St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington became a self-governing trust this week .

  3. 令人惊奇的是,这家公司bmp仍然存在,而且其办公地点仍旧是过去位于帕丁顿区的那栋办公楼。

    Remarkably the business , BMP , still exists and occupies the same building in Paddington it did then .

  4. 伦敦帕丁顿火车站与伦敦希思罗机场有火车连通。

    London Paddington has train connections to London Heathrow Airport .

  5. “帕丁顿熊”这是第一部讲述了一只会说话的熊的电影

    The movie Paddington.It was the NO. 1 movie about talking bears .

  6. 他到达帕丁顿车站,从那里又步行到坎伯兰旅馆。

    He arrived at Paddington station , whence he walked to the Cumberland hotel .

  7. 帕丁顿熊是个故事人物。凯特甚至和它跳了支舞。

    She even did a little dance with the famed storybook character on the platform .

  8. 1863年的今天,伦敦地下铁路位于帕丁顿和法铃顿间的第一段开始运营。

    1863-The first section of the London Underground Railway opens , between Paddington and Farringdon Street .

  9. 当时他们乘坐在从帕丁顿站20世纪20年代的复古列车上。

    The children rode in 1920s vintage carriages from Paddington station , while the royals visited with them .

  10. 在一个湿冷的晚上,我因为在帕丁顿工作到很晚才穿过海德公园的路回家。

    One wet night I was coming home through Hyde park from working late on a job in Paddington .

  11. 对于这只熊来说这次的活动也是一个契机,正好推广新电影《帕丁顿熊2》。

    It was also an especially timely event for the bear , who was able to promote his upcoming movie , Paddington 2 .

  12. 帕丁顿熊的电影制作人保罗·金将导演这部即将上映的电影,这是迪士尼宣布的真人版翻拍电影的一部分。

    Paddington filmmaker Paul King is to direct the forthcoming film , which is part of a series of live-action remakes announced by Disney .

  13. 一个样式精致的配饰手镯挂在伦敦西部,帕丁顿的一家典当行的橱窗上,看起来有些时日了。

    CHARM bracelet festooned with trinkets , worn and slightly dented , hangs in the window of a pawnshop in Paddington , in west London .

  14. 因为小熊的秘鲁名字没人能明白,所以善良的人类家庭就根据车站的名字给这只小熊起名叫帕丁顿。

    Because no one can understand the bears Peru name , so according to the station , kind-hearted human family named this bear as Paddington .

  15. 1912年6月23日,他在帕丁顿的一间产房注里诞生了。7月7日,他得名艾伦·马西森·图灵。

    He was born on 23 June 1912 in a nursing home in Paddington , * and was baptised Alan Mathison Turing on 7 July .

  16. 从伦敦帕丁顿车站出发的伦敦内城-卡迪夫火车交通线每日有17班,单程运行时间不超过两个小时。

    The Cardiff-London Inter-City service , from London Paddington , runs some seventeen times a day , with a journey time of less than two hours .

  17. 威廉王子也将出席上海帕丁顿电影首映式之前的一个活动,并且期待见到那只鼎鼎大名的虚拟小熊。

    William will also attend an event before the premiere of the Paddington movie in Shanghai , and is expected to meet the famous fictional bear .

  18. 客人之中有许多是英国儿童文学作品和电视节目中的角色。帕丁顿熊,坦克引擎托马斯和哈里·波特都会出现。

    Characters from British children 's literature and television were among the guests-with Paddington Bear , Thomas the Tank Engine and Harry Potter all putting in an appearance .

  19. 凯特王妃的预产期就在本月月底,届时将在帕丁顿的圣玛丽医院待产,这正是31年前威廉王子的出生地。

    Kate is due to give birth later this month at St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington , the same hospital where William was born 31 years ago .

  20. 白金汉宫证实凯特王妃已经入住伦敦帕丁顿区圣玛丽医院,在这里她将迎来自己的第一个孩子。

    Buckingham Palace confirms that the Duchess of Cambridge has been admitted to St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington , where she will give birth to her first child .

  21. 周一,凯特精神不错,意外与威廉一同在帕丁顿熊伦敦车站会见了有名的帕丁顿熊。

    Kate was in good spirits again on Monday when she made a surprise appearance alongside William to meet the famous Paddington Bear at the cuddly character 's namesake train station in London .

  22. 周二,凯特将重回王室活动,走访塞耶斯克罗夫特学习以及参观位于帕丁顿娱乐场的野生动物花园。

    Today it was announced the duchess will make her return to royal duties with a visit to the Sayers Croft Forest School and Wildlife Garden at Paddington Recreation Ground , London , on Tuesday .

  23. 因为日益严重的晨吐,凯特?米德尔顿淡出媒体视线,不过她也会偶尔出席一些重要场合,就像是和帕丁顿熊的会面。

    Kate Middleton might be staying out of the spotlight lately to cope with her debilitating morning sickness , but she 's made a few appearances for important occasions , including a meeting with Paddington Bear .

  24. 虽然威廉王子的妻子在伦敦西部帕丁顿圣玛丽医院的林多私人医院生下三个孩子的时候,梅根·马克尔可能会在家乡生下孩子。

    While Prince William 's wife had all three of her children in the private Lindo Wing at St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington , West London , Meghan Markle could have a Home Counties baby .

  25. 一到帕丁顿地铁站,就赶紧踏上永无止境的地铁楼梯,匆忙找了个落脚之地——老邦普顿路旁一座马厩改建的两层小楼内可爱的出租屋。

    Once the train deposited us at Paddington Station , we had to navigate the Tube 's interminable damned-be-the-disabled staircases , before briefly settling into our charming house rental , a two-story mews off the Old Brompton Road .

  26. 《每日快报》的皇家记者在推特上写道:“让王室宝宝倒计时开始吧:今天,在帕丁顿圣玛丽医院的林都翼外,已经设了障碍和停车限制。

    The Daily Express ' royal reporter wrote on Twitter , " Let the royal baby countdown begin : barriers and parking restrictions have been brought in outside the Lindo Wing at St Mary 's Hospital , Paddington today in a planned move .

  27. 2015年5月2日,夏洛特公主出生在伦敦中部帕丁顿圣玛丽医院私立产科中心。凯特王妃抱着她出现在医院门外,这也是她出生后第一次被拍到。

    The young royal was first photographed on the day of her birth - May 2 , 2015 - when the Duchess held her daughter outside the private maternity wing of St Mary 's hospital in Paddington , central London , where the princess was delivered .