
  • Palau;Republic of Palau;PW;PW Palau
  1. 帕劳在2009年时也建立了世界上第一个鲨鱼保护区。

    Palau also established the world 's first shark sanctuary in 2009 .

  2. 太平洋上的岛国帕劳己经成为世界上第六大海洋自然保护区。

    The Pacific island nation of Palau has become home to the sixth largest marine world .

  3. 帕劳成为一个独立的国家只有20年,但在保护环境方面己有长久的历史。

    Palau has only been an independent nation for twenty years and has a strong history of environmental protection .

  4. 建立这个保护区是一个大胆的举措,帕劳的人民认为这对我们的生存至关重要。

    " Creating this sanctuary is a bold move that the people of Palau recognise as essential to our survival . "

  5. 帕劳剩下的20%领海将被留给当地个人捕鱼及出口有限的小型商业捕鱼公司。

    The remaining 20 percent of the Palau seas will be reserved for local fishing by individuals and small-scale commercial fishing businesses with limited exports .

  6. 参议员霍肯斯·鲍勒斯是帕劳《国家海洋保护区法案》的主要发起人,他说保护区将“通过守信我们过去的保护传统,给帕劳人民建立一个安全的未来”。

    Senator Hokkons Baules , lead sponsor of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary Act , said the sanctuary will " help build a allocate future for the Palauan people by honoring the conservation traditions of our past " .

  7. 国务院已在帕劳(Palau)、巴布亚新几内亚和所罗门群岛(SolomonIslands)开展太平洋地区的项目。

    State Department projects in the Pacific region have been conducted in Palau , Papua New Guinea , and Solomon Islands .

  8. 托管邻区帕劳群岛(palau),马绍而群岛和北部马里亚纳群岛选择不加入其中。

    The neighboring trust districts of Palau , the Marshall Islands , and the Northern Mariana Islands chose not to participate .

  9. 第二岛链以Bonins为起点,经过马里亚纳,关岛和帕劳,在日本和菲律宾以东形成了一条南北向的线。

    The second chain of islands runs from the Bonins along the Marianas , Guam and Palau , forming a north-south line east of Japan and the Philippines .

  10. 海军工程学校,帕劳,德国

    Naval School of engineering , parow , germany , 2003

  11. 在帕劳群岛的其中一个海洋湖泊里,湖水因水母而翻腾着。

    Waters boil with jellyfish in one of Palau 's marine lakes .

  12. 他与帕劳官方联系,帕劳官方告诉他该船正在非法捕捞。

    He contacted officials in Palau , who said the boat was fishing illegally .

  13. 我们的朋友、从美国来的路易斯-帕劳也在这里。

    Our friend , Luis Palau , from America , is here , as well .

  14. 珊瑚王国图片画廊。炙热的绿色荧光珊瑚在帕劳吸收光波长和放射另一个。

    Glowing green fluorescent coral in Palau absorbs light at one wavelength and emits it at another .

  15. 美国是四个投弃权票的国家,其它三个国家是海地,以色列和帛琉共和国(帕劳)。

    The US was one of four members to abstain , along with Haiti , Israel and Palau .

  16. 帕劳共和国最高法院上诉法庭他决定向上一级法院上诉。

    Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Palau He decided to appeal to a higher court .

  17. 帕劳共和国将建立全球第一个“鲨鱼庇护所”,禁止在其水域进行一切商业化的鲨鱼捕猎。

    Palau is to create the world 's first " shark sanctuary ", banning all commercial shark fishing in its waters .

  18. 在帕劳,一只通红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。

    Hermit Crab , Republic of Palau , 2003 A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau .

  19. 帕劳先生假装恼怒地说:哦,我的天哪,这个房间里到底有多少女孩子啊?

    Mr. Palau , in mock exasperation , said , Oh , my God , how many girls are in this room ?

  20. 2018年的数据显示,关岛平均每年发生近700起森林大火,帕劳约175起,塞班岛约20起。

    On average , Guam has nearly 700 wildfires a year , Palau about 175 and Saipan about 20 , reports data from 2018 .

  21. 这三艘载有700余人的海军军舰在帕劳短暂停留后,于4月15日返回台湾。

    The three naval vessels , with more than 700 people on board , returned to Taiwan on April 15 after a short stop at Palau .

  22. 针对全球气候变化和海平面上升给岛国带来的威胁,帕劳共和国驻联合国常驻代表斯图尔特·贝克表示。

    STUART BECK , permanent representative for Palau at the United Nations , on dangers posed to island nations by climate change and rising sea levels .

  23. 这位当红明星在进入巴塞罗那帕劳桑特桥迪体育场时由于车窗是开着的,因此粉丝们能够看到他。

    The pop star 's window was open so that fans got a glimpse of him as he cruised into the city 's Palau Sant Jordi stadium .

  24. 关于美国政府和帕劳政府自由联合协约生效的特别方案的协定

    Agreement concerning Special Programmes related to the Entry into Force of the Compact of Free Association between the Government of the United States and the Government of Palau

  25. 帕劳先生假装恼怒地说:“哦,我的天哪,这个房间里到底有多少女孩子啊?”他这样问并非无礼。

    Mr. Palau , in mock exasperation , said , " Oh , my God , how many girls are in this room ? " He wasn 't being rude .

  26. 但伯杰希望在接下来的几年里,当他再来帕劳的时候,能亲自改变这种状况,继续寻找我们过去的答案。

    But Berger hopes to personally change that in the coming years , as he makes his way back to Palau , to continue his search for answers to our past .

  27. 过去16年来,香港十万人中只有0.2%的谋杀率,只输给了摩纳哥和帕劳群岛,这两个地方没有谋杀的犯罪记录。

    HongKong -- with an intentional homicide rate of 0.2 per 100000 people in the last16 years -- only lost out to Monaco and Palau , where there have been zerorecorded murders .

  28. 他们在阿尔巴尼亚、百慕大和帕劳(临时)取得了一些成功,但德国和美国本土境内等许多更明显的选择已告失败。

    They had some success with Albania , Bermuda and , provisionally , Palau , but many more obvious choices , such as Germany and within the US itself , have fallen through .

  29. 帕劳政府正在想方设法试着阻止中国游客到太平洋西部群岛的旅游热潮。本周当地政府表示,下个月起中国飞往当地的包机航班数量将会减半。

    The Palau government is exploring ways to try to stem the tide of Chinese tourists to the western Pacific Ocean archipelago and this week said the number of charter flights from China would be halved next month .

  30. 2011年,在太平洋岛国帕劳的专门经济区内,一艘帕劳强制执法船(左)正护送一艘台湾多钩长线捕鱼船(中)和一艘绿色和平的船(右)。

    A Palauan law enforcement vessel ( left ) escorts a Taiwanese longline fishing vessel ( center ) and a Greenpeace ship ( right ) at sea in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Pacific island nation in 2011 .