
  • 网络Patil
  1. 届时,各公司将需要像帕蒂尔这样的数据科学家团队,整理从互联网库存指标到客户发布的Twitter消息等各种数据。

    And companies will need teams of data scientists like Patil to sort through everything from internal inventory metrics to customer tweets .

  2. 他还必须找到在业内站稳脚跟,但它似乎并不斯米塔帕蒂尔的儿子,Prateik巴巴尔,谁拥有在他手中好电影难。

    He still has to find a toehold in the industry , but it doesn 't seem hard for Smita Patil 's son , Prateik Babbar , who has got good films in his hands .

  3. 她得到了国大党领导人索妮亚甘地(soniagandhi)的个人支持,而且外界一直预计帕蒂尔会在一场空前政治化的选举中获胜。

    She had the personal backing of Sonia Gandhi , the Congress party leader , and had been expected to win an unprecedentedly politicised election .

  4. 印度内政部长帕蒂尔宣布辞职。

    India 's home minister has resigned .

  5. 甚至在孟买上个星期遭袭击之前,就有人呼吁把希夫拉杰.帕蒂尔赶下台。

    Calls for the ouster of Shivraj Patil had been heard even before last week 's attack on Mumbai .

  6. 印度内务部长帕蒂尔说,将尽一切可能提供援助,对袭击进行调查。

    Home Minister Shivraj Patil says whatever resources are needed to render aid and investigate the attacks will be committed .

  7. 帕蒂尔同时也谈到了各社区的新增痛苦,因为突然间有几百个想提供帮助的机构突然涌向这些社区。

    Patel describes too the new stresses in communities which have suddenly become magnets for hundreds of those who would be helpful .

  8. 该图尔克建4个在他们的机械工程在颐帕蒂尔工程学院学士学位的应届毕业生。

    The Tork was built by four students in the final year of their Mechanical Engineering degree at DY Patil College of Engineering .

  9. “整个重建进程将很耗时,”帕蒂尔警告说:“但经过艰苦的努力,我们毕竟已经开始行动起来。”

    " The whole process of reconstruction will take considerable time ," cautions Patel ," but we are in it for the long haul . "

  10. 副首席部长R.R.帕蒂尔把孟买遭遇的这场前所未有的袭击称作是“一个小事件”。这番话招致铺天盖地的批评。

    Deputy Chief Minister R.R. Patil called the unprecedented siege of Mumbai " a small incident . " That comment generated an uproar of criticism .

  11. 帕蒂尔承诺称:我的政府将确保,经济增长进程不仅会加速,而且在社会与地区层面上会变得更加包容与平等。

    My government will ensure that the growth process is not only accelerated but also made socially and regionally more inclusive and equitable , she pledged .

  12. 帕蒂尔总统于星期三晚上抵京,并将于星期六早晨出发前往河南省洛阳市,参加一座印度风格寺庙的落成仪式。

    She arrives Beijing on Wednesday evening and leaves for the inauguration of an Indian style Buddhist temple at Luoyang in Henan province on Saturday morning .

  13. 即使是在孟买恐怖事件之前,帕蒂尔也是在野党攻击的目标,在野党指称这位负责国内安全的内阁成员表现不佳。

    Even before Mumbai was struck , Patil had been a target of opposition parties for his allegedly poor performance as the cabinet member tasked with domestic security .

  14. 帕蒂尔在发言中表示,政府将抗击通胀、保护穷人免受食品价格上涨影响列为重中之重。

    In her speech , Mrs Patil said the government considered battling inflation and shielding the poor from the effect of rising food prices as a top priority .

  15. 帕蒂尔的职务被受尊敬的财政部长奇丹巴拉姆取代。他对记者说,他对调往负责国内安全事务的内政部有些迟疑。

    Patil is being replaced by the respected finance minister , Palaniappan Chidambaram , who tells reporters he is moving reluctantly to the home ministry , which oversees domestic security .

  16. 帕蒂尔医学院的皮肤科副教授古普塔表示:“这种畸形在医学上被称为多指畸形,属于遗传性疾病的一种。”

    Dr Gupta , an assistant Professor at the department of dermatology , at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College , said : ' The term is medically called Polydactyly . It is a genetic disorder . '