
  • 网络The Glory of the Empire;Imperial Glory
  1. 他乃是大西台帝国的荣耀,以及安那托利亚闪烁生辉的宝石。

    He is the glory of the Hittite Empire and a brilliant jewel of Anatolia .

  2. 恢复俄罗斯帝国的荣耀!

    Restore the Glory of Imperial Russia !

  3. 他生性谦和,不好大喜功,尽心尽力履行着治国的职责,但假如形势需要,他也会不遗余力地炫耀自己作为帝国统治者至高无上的荣耀。

    A modest and retiring man by nature , he toiled conscientiously at the duties of government , but when occasion demanded he acted the role of magnificent ruler of his empire with pomp and ceremony .