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  1. 本文围绕BTT飞行器制导控制一体化设计完成落角与控制回路动态的制导律设计方法和带落角约束的制导控制一体化设计方法初步研究。

    In this paper , design method for guidance law with impact angle constraint and control loop dynamics is researched . Then , an integrated guidance and control method with impact angle constraint for BTT missile are presented .

  2. 带落角约束的再入机动弹头的变结构导引律

    Variable structure guidance law of reentry maneuvering warhead with terminal angular constraint

  3. 歌声很清脆犹若百灵的翅膀带落的一滴晨露

    The singing is clear , just like a drop

  4. 应用多滑模面滑模控制理论设计带落角约束的制导控制一体化规律。

    According to multiple sliding surfaces control theory , integrated guidance and control laws are designed .

  5. 采用带落角约束的变结构导引律,对弹目距离及距离变化率进行估计,克服被动寻的导弹不能测距的约束,同时使切换开关增益随时间自适应变化以减小俯冲过载。

    The variable structure proportional navigation with terminal angular constraint is utilized , and estimation about the distance rate and distance between missile and target is made , which broke the constraint that passive homing missile can 't measure out the distance and distance rate .

  6. 带末端落角约束的变结构导引律

    The passive homing missile 's variable structure proportional navigation with terminal impact angular constraint

  7. 带落点和落角约束的最优末制导律研究

    Study on the Optimal Terminal Guidance Law with Interception and Impact Angle

  8. 带式输送机落煤斗耐磨衬板的改进

    Improvements for the wear-resisting lining board of feed coal funnel in belt mode conveyer

  9. 条带间垮落区注浆充填覆岩移动规律研究

    Modeling Experiment for the Rock Movement During Grouting Backfill in Caving Area with Strip Mining

  10. 在向斜的不同位置上,裂缝带和冒落带高度受到的影响程度不同。

    And the effect on the height of fracture and caving is different when at different syncline locations .

  11. 文章结合多年的工作经验,阐述了搞好高等级公路中央分隔带、碎落台、上下边坡、护网、服务区、互通立交区等不同绿化区域的树种选择方法。

    With many years of experience , the author has proposed how to choose trees for different areas of high-level highways .

  12. 我礼貌的点了点头,带着萍萍落在树屋前的平台上,稳步地向树屋内走去。

    I politely nod and bring the Ping Ping to fall in front of the tree room in the platform , and walk with steady steps to the tree room .

  13. 虽然上海市民只能看到日偏食,这仍然是一个不可多得的观测时机。专家称,此次将出现太阳带食而落的景象。

    Though people in Shanghai will see no more than a partial eclipse , experts said it will be a great experience , because the sun will be setting while the eclipse is still in progress .

  14. 断层对裂缝带高度和冒落带高度均有影响,但影响程度不同;

    The fault has effect on the height of both fracture and caving but different in degrees ;

  15. 光子晶体的基本特征是具有光子带隙,频率落在带隙中的光将不能传播,这使其比普通光学材料具有更广泛的应用。

    The transmittance of light is forbidden in a wavelength range called photonic band gap . Photonic crystals have broader application prospect than common optical materials .

  16. 像七月的雨云,带着沉沉欲落的雨点低垂着,在我向你的膜拜中,让我在你门前满含感情地俯首。

    Like a rain-cloud of July hung low with its burden of unshed showers let all my mind bend down at thy door in one salutation to thee .

  17. 提出采用顶板注浆加固技术预防断层破碎带顶板的垮落,分析了高水注浆加固材料的力学性能、注浆加固工艺及加固参数。

    Roof grouting reinforcement technique was used to prevent fault broken roof from falling . Mechanics characteristics of high water content grouting reinforcement material , reinforcement technology and parameters were also analyzed .

  18. 覆岩沿高度方向形成三带,但不同于其它条件下的放顶煤开采,采空区走向中部覆岩裂隙带高度与冒落带高度基本一致,顶板岩层呈现整体弯曲下沉。

    However , the destroyed zones along uprightness are different from other exploiting technique . The height of fracture zone is close to that of falling zone in the middle of overlying rocks and the roof rocks subside entirely .