
chánɡ yán dào
  • 熟语as the saying goes
  1. 常言道:“意外事,总难免。”

    ‘ Accidents will happen ’ , as the saying goes .

  2. 常言道:覆水难收,后悔也于事无补。

    As the saying goes ─ it 's no use crying over spilt milk .

  3. 常言道,复杂的问题无简易的答案,这话大概是真的。

    Probably the aphorism that there is no easy answer to what is very complex is true .

  4. 丽莎:“嗯,常言道:调换工作益如休息。”

    Lisa : ' Well , you know what they say – a change is as good as a rest . '

  5. 5.Asapopularsayinggoes“Everythinghastwosides.”(分析利弊)常言道:“事物总是一分为二的”。如今人们从科技发明中得到越来越多的好处。

    As a popular saying goes , " Everything has two sides . " Now people ( the public ) are benefiting more and more from scientific and technological inventions .

  6. 常言道,人生恰似高中时代,许多雇主仍然关心求职者的SAT分数便印证了这个说法。

    Proving the adage that all of life is like high school , plenty of employers still care about a job candidate 's SAT score .

  7. 常言道,“工作(job)就是‘比破产强一点(JustOverBroke)’的缩写。然而不幸的是,这句话确实适用于千百万人,

    There is an old cliche that goes , " Job is an acronym for'Just Over Broke . " ' And unfortunately , 1 would say that the saying applies to millions of people .

  8. 常言道,一个英国女人的家就是她的城堡,而女王的家真的是就是城堡。不过女王对伦敦市中心奢侈住宅——白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)——的偏爱,近来对她的不凡投资收益有突出贡献。

    In this case an Englishwoman 's home really is her castle , but the Queen 's bias towards central London luxury housing ( Buckingham Palace ) has been a clear source of outperformance recently .

  9. 常言道善行本身就是回报。

    It is often said that virtue is its own reward .

  10. 常言道,“熟能生巧”。

    Only through constant practice , can you improve your skills .

  11. 常言道,好的开端是成功的一半。

    Well begun is half done , as the saying goes .

  12. 常言道,婚姻是爱情的坟墓。

    People always say : Marriage is the grave of love .

  13. 常言道,剩下的事情地球人都知道了。

    And the rest , as they say , is history .

  14. 常言道,外貌可以骗人。

    As the saying goes , looks can be deceiving .

  15. 常言道五个女人中必有一个是购物狂。

    It is said that one woman in five is a shopaholic .

  16. 常言道,坏事传千里。

    It 's often said that bad news travels fast .

  17. 常言道,有比较才有鉴别。

    Comparison is a good way to tell one thing from another .

  18. 常言道:需要是创造之母。

    It is often said that necessity is the mother of invention .

  19. 常言道,奶奶是为孙儿孙女而活着。

    She lived , as the saying goes , for the grandchildren .

  20. 常言道,“大国如同伟人,应当格守诺言”。

    Great nations like great men must keep their word .

  21. 常言道:榜样的作用是无穷的。

    As the saying goes : the effect of good examples is immense .

  22. 常言道:时间就是金钱。

    As the saying goes , Time is money .

  23. 谈到美这个话题,常言道:爱美是人的天性。

    Turning to the U.S.this topic , saying : beauty is human nature .

  24. 常言道:有好的教师,才有好的教育。

    As the saying goes : good teachers , have a good education .

  25. 但是,常言道,“信息就是力量”。

    But , as the saying goes , " information is power . "

  26. 常言道只有罪犯才会在狱中安睡

    They say only the guilty sleep in prison .

  27. 常言道,有比较才有鉴别。怀地黄与山西晋南地黄的鉴别与比较

    Comparison and Identification of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch from Henan Province and Southern Shanxi Province

  28. 悲催的是,常言道:江山易改,本性难移。

    Unfortunately , as the saying goes , a leopard cannot change his spots .

  29. 常言道,快乐是激情与技艺摩擦的结晶。

    It 's often said that happiness is achieved once passion collides with skill .

  30. 常言道:选择不对,努力白费。

    As the saying goes : do not choose to work hard in vain .