
  1. 常香玉,这是一个在中国家喻户晓的名字。

    Chang Xiangyu is a household name across China .

  2. 笔者希望通过对常香玉演唱艺术的研究能够使民族声乐的演唱及教学工作者得以启发和借鉴。

    The writer hopes that the study on Chang Xiangyu 's singing art could give some inspirations and reference to the singers and teachers in folk music .

  3. 第二部分着重对常香玉演唱方法的特点进行分析。分别从发声、呼吸、吐字、润腔四个方面,并用实例来说明常香玉的演唱方法特点。

    The second part puts importance on the analysis of features of Chang Xiangyu 's singing methods from sound production , respiration , enunciation and lubrication respectively with examples .

  4. 本文是对豫剧表演艺术家常香玉在其代表性优秀剧目《拷红》、《断桥》、《花木兰》中的演唱艺术的研究。

    This paper studies the singing art of the performing artist Chang Xiangyu on Henan Opera in her representative works " Kao Hong "," The Broken Bridge " and " Hua Mu Lan " .