
mì dìng lǜ
  • power law
幂定律[mì dìng lǜ]
  1. 针对先进复合材料制造工艺,总结了两种制造工艺时间的估算近似方法:幂定律近似和一级速度反应模型(一阶模型)近似。

    This paper outlines two theoretical approximation approaches , power law and first order velocity response models , to estimate the processing time for the fabrication of advanced composite parts .

  2. 数值结果表明,红外LED的寿命服从对数正态分布,其加速模型符合逆幂定律。

    The numerical results show that the infrared LED life is characterized by lognormal distribution , and the accelerated model meets the inverse power law .

  3. 由修正的经验幂定律和I-V曲线近似公式算出的界面电位降Vi与由C-V曲线理论得出的结果一致。

    The voltage drop at the interface , V I , obtained from the empirical power law and the approximate calculation of the I V curve is consistent with that obtained form the C V curve theory .

  4. 幂定律基础上的煤层瓦斯流动模型

    Coal Seam Gas Flow Model on Power Law

  5. 大规模对等网络的拓扑结构具有小世界特性、稀疏性和自组织性,其网络节点分布符合幂定律。

    The properties of small-word , power-law , sparse and self-organize are in large-scale peer-to-peer networks .

  6. 作者假设血液为符合幂定律的非牛顿流体,对小动脉血管系统进行了详细的优化分析。

    Assumed the blood in arterioles is a non-Newtonian fluid governed by the power law , a detailed optimization analysis for arteriole blood vessels was conducted .

  7. 单株生物量与种群密度的关系基本符合-3/2幂定律,小鳞茎产量与种群密度也表现出近似的幂函数关系。

    The relationship between biomass per ramet and population density conforms to - 3 / 2-power law . Similar relationship happened between bulbs production and population density .

  8. 以热压釜成型工艺生产板材作为实验,应用最小二乘法将所得数据进行幂定律拟合和一阶模型拟合,结果表明,两种方法拟合结果非常一致。

    The data from the experiments of laying up flat plates based on autoclave molding processing are fitted with the power law and first order models to the least-squares procedure .

  9. 通过对精车和磨削加工不锈钢表面的粗糙度测量,发现它们的轮廓功率谱在其谱区内均服从两种不同的幂定律。

    Roughness measurement on finish turned and ground stainless steel surfaces have shown that the power spectrum of each of these surfaces follows two different power laws within their spectra regions .

  10. 分析表明,认为幂定律基础上的煤瓦斯流动模型比达西定律基础上的模型更符合实际是没有根据的。

    Analysis co conducted shows that it ′ s of no evidence to believe that the coal seams gas flow model on power law is more in agreement with reality than that on darcy ′ s law .

  11. 非中性条件下,垂直方向规一化标准差与稳定度的关系都较好地满足1/3次幂定律,水平方向没有垂直方向上的规律好,特别是稳定条件下,数据点分散性大;

    For other cases , the relationship between normalized standard deviation and stability is in conformity with power 1 / 3 in vertical direction but not so good in horizontal direction , particularly in stable stratification data dots disperse greatly ;

  12. 同时,利用分形理论的幂定律,对泥质含量、含水饱和度和渗透率等参数的计算公式作了改进,可以更好地适应非均质地层参数的计算。

    In addition , the important forms used to calculate the formation parameters , such as shale volume , water saturation and permeability , are improved to be more suitable for the calculation of inhomogeneous formation parameters according to the power law of fractals .

  13. 4网页入度分布很好地符合幂级数定律;

    The distribution of in-degrees of web pages follows a power-law nicely ;

  14. 研究表明脆性断层的位移分布具有自相似结构,并且服从幂指数定律,即具有分形特征。

    Study shows that the displacement distribution of brittle fault population exhibits self-similarity and has the power-law relationship between displacement and accumulation .

  15. 雪崩的大小、面积和时间分布均满足幂次定律,但是不同相称度下的动力学指数不相等。

    The probability distributions of the size , the area and the time of avalanches all follow the power law , but the dynamic exponent varies with the degree of assortativity .

  16. 植物种群-3/2幂自疏定律假设的点评

    Some Comments on the - 3 / 2 Power Law of Self-Thinning