
ɡān ǒu
  • retch
干呕 [gān ǒu]
  • [retch] 症名。《内经》名哕。《医学入门》:“干呕…呕则无所出”。指患者作呕吐之态,但有声而无物吐出,或仅有涎沫而无食物吐出

  1. 笑声变成了尖叫声,随后又变成了干呕声。

    The laugh turned to a screech , and then a retch . c.

  2. 恶心干呕是什么原因?

    What reason is disgusting retch ?

  3. 他突然觉得恶心,猛烈地干呕起来。

    Nausea surged in him and he retched violently

  4. 4生半夏在水貂引起恶心、干呕和呕吐的次数为78.3和13.3(P<0.01)。

    Raw pinellia can also induce emesis in minks . The number of retching and emesis are 78.3 and 13.3 ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 3阿朴吗啡(1.6mg·kg~(-1),sc)通过激动延脑催吐化学感受区的多巴胺受体使水貂引起恶心、干呕和呕吐的次数为28.5和5.3(P<0.01)。

    Apomorphine evoked emesis by agitating dopamine receptors of CTZ . The number retching and emesis are 28.5 5.3 ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 阿列马嗪对Nissen胃底折叠术后干呕的控制效果

    Effectiveness of alimemazine in controlling retching after Nissen fundoplication

  7. 3山东姜半夏含多糖提取物对抗硫酸铜(40mg·kg~(-1)ig)所致干呕和呕吐次数为7.0和6.0(p<0.05)

    Polysaccharide of Shandong pinellia tuber ( processed with ginger ) inhibited the retching , emesis induced by coppersulfate ( 40mg . kg-1 , ig ) were 7.0 and 6.0 ( p0 . 05 ) .

  8. 他是唯一一个允许在车里干呕的人。

    He 's the only one allowed to dry-heave in it .

  9. 当天剩下的时间内她也一直在干呕出绿色的粘液。

    She spent the rest of that day retching up green slime .

  10. 他干呕了一下,忙又俯下身去。

    He retched and ducked out of sight again .

  11. 临床上主要表现为:早饱,餐后上腹部饱胀,恶心,发作性干呕或呕吐,体重减轻等症状。

    Symptoms of gastroparesis include early satiety , nausea , vomiting , anorexia , gastric emptying delayed , bloating , and weight loss .

  12. 大家看到我的腿垂着、脚扭向反方向时,都恶心坏了,在球场上干呕起来。

    People were so grossed-out at the sight of my leg hanging , and my foot facing the wrong way , they were sick on the pitch .

  13. 胃里一阵翻腾,他发现自己正跪在地毯上干呕,这个厚厚的密尔地毯躺着也很舒服。

    His stomach heaved , and he found himself on his knees , retching on the carpet , that wonderful thick Myrish carpet , as comforting as lies .

  14. 临床表现:除糖尿病原有的症状外,尚兼有早饱、餐后腹胀、发作性干呕、便秘等消化道症状。目前糖尿病性胃轻瘫的发病机理尚在探讨之中。

    Clinical situation may include the symptoms of diabetes , the symptoms in digestive tract such as early satiety , postprandial abdominal bloating , paroxysmal retching , constipation etc.

  15. 在每一户有病痛和烦恼的人家,巫师都用尽全力去帮助他们,慢慢地,他身边的坩埚不再呻吟、干呕,而是变得安静、清爽、锃光瓦亮的了。

    At every house of sickness and sorrow , the wizard did his best , and gradually the cooking pot beside him stopped groaning and retching , and became quiet , shiny and clean .

  16. 在一代又一代的巫师家庭的孩子们当中,布洛克萨姆女士的故事得到的反应都是一样的:不可遏制的干呕,接着是要求赶紧把书从他们身边拿走捣碎成纸浆。

    Mrs Bloxam 's tale has met the same response from generations of wizarding children : uncontrollable retching , followed by an immediate demand to have the book taken from them and mashed into pulp .

  17. 观察组恶心、干呕发生率为6.35%,明显低于对照组的19.3%(P<0.05),无一例发生呕吐,对照组有两例发生呕吐,三例发生腹胀;

    The rate of nausea and vomiting in control group was higher than that in test group (( 19.3 ) % vs 6.35 % , P < 0.05 ) in control group , 2 cases vomited , 3 cases flatulence .