
  • 网络to do big things
  1. 她认为他生来就是干大事的。

    Ashley was bred for better things , she thought proudly .

  2. 干大事的人必须忍受许多痛苦。

    Those who aim at great deeds must suffer greatly .

  3. 我该把它留起来干大事。

    I 'm supposed to be saving it for the big one .

  4. 我想改变自己,去干大事。

    I want to make a difference . I want to do big things .

  5. 缺乏热情,难干大事。

    Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm .

  6. 毫无情调且乏味的人缺乏热情,难干大事。

    A person regarded as colorless and primly sedate . Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm .

  7. 缺乏热情,难干大事。缺乏钢铁般的精神,就不能干大事。

    Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm . Unless one has an unbreakable steel-like spirit , one cannot accomplish momentous undertakings .

  8. 假如你干大事,他们会复制你的肖像;但如你干小事,他们只会给你的大拇指印指模。

    If you do big thing they print your face , and if you do little thing they only print you thumb .

  9. 我们所有人都习惯性地想着干大事、拿高薪,

    We 're so conditioned , all of us , to think in terms of the big job , the big salary ,

  10. 奥巴马会在之后签署这项法案。他在投票结束后说,投票结果证明我们还能干大事。

    President Obama , who is expected to sign the Bill later , said afterwards that the vote proved " we can still tackle big things " .

  11. 然而它需要我们最大的努力和相信我们自己及相信我们干大事的能力的愿望;

    It does require , however , our best effort , and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds ;

  12. 他这块料,干不了大事儿。

    A person like him can 't do anything big .

  13. 如果你的策略正确就能干成大事

    If you play your cards right , it could mean big business .

  14. 他在诺森德指挥作战的时候干了大事,许多部落战士都错误的认为是伽罗什单枪匹马干掉了巫妖王。

    He made a big splash in Northrend commanding the troops there , and many Horde warriors believe ( incorrectly ) that he was the one who singlehandedly defeated the Lich King .

  15. 前几日也没干什么大事,只不过绣了个十字绣的钱包,织了两条围脖,养了一只小龟,开始了我的减肥事业,更下定决心努力学习

    A few days ago also did not do a major event , only a Cross-stitch embroidered purse , woven of two bib , and look after a little turtle began my weight loss cause even more determined to study hard

  16. 我们应该考虑干一番大事。

    We need to think big .

  17. 没有热情,永远干不成大事。——

    Nothing great was ever achieved with out enthusiasm . - -

  18. 听着我突然想到要干一件大事

    Listen to me , I just had a brainstorm for something

  19. 热情导致成功没有热情,永远干不成大事。---

    Nothing great was ever achieved with out enthusiasm . ――

  20. 就这样,我们的英雄没费吹灰之力就干成了大事。

    Thus did our hero execute the greatest exploits with the utmost ease imaginable .

  21. 我正在干一件大事。

    I 'm onto something huge .

  22. 他们干么费那么大事去结婚?

    Why on earth did they bother to get married ?

  23. 你们得干出一番大事才能有资格留下标记

    You 've got to earn your mark by doing something big .

  24. 在这些故事中,男主角运用现代的记忆和智慧干成了许多大事。

    In these stories , the male protagonists accomplish great things with their modern skills and wisdom .

  25. 在这些故事中,男主角运用现代的记忆和智慧干成了许多大事。此类作品通常讲述的是“英雄梦成真”的故事,此外还伴随着令人艳羡的恋情。

    In these stories , the male protagonists accomplish great things with their modern skills and wisdom . It 's usually a " dream of heroism come true , " along with enviable romances .