
  • 网络Interference color;interference colour
  1. 用球形单晶体研究干涉色与晶体位向的关系

    Study of the relationship between interference colors and crystallographic orientation with a single crystal spherical sample

  2. 干涉色是很常见的,在许多材料中都容易看到。

    The appearance of interference colors is quite common and can easily be observed in any number of substances .

  3. 两组条纹的厚度比越大,干涉色波长越长;

    And the bigger the ratio is , the longer the wavelength of iridescent color is .

  4. 冰晶轴向与晶体在正交偏光镜间所呈现干涉色之间的关系

    The relationship between the orientation of an ice crystal and its interference colours between two polarizers

  5. 由于连生片晶不是绝对平行,表面也并不完全平坦,导致所显现的干涉色不是单一颜色。

    As the intergrowth lamellar is not absolutely parallel and the surface is not absolutely smooth , the interference color is not single .

  6. q分布下二维玻色气体的热力学性质量子超化学中的类双缝干涉:玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚原子-三聚物相干转化

    The thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional Bose gas in the q distribution Coherent atom-trimer conversion in a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate