
  • 网络dry and wet
  1. 荒漠生态系统对大气CO2浓度升高响应的干湿年差异

    Difference of Desert Ecosystem Responses to Elevated Atmospheric CO_2 Concentration between Dry and Wet Years

  2. 珠三角大气多环芳烃(PAHs)的干湿沉降

    Dry and Wet Depositions of Atmospheric PAHs in the Pearl River Delta Region

  3. 双肺听诊清音,无喘鸣或干湿罗音

    The lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally , without any wheezes , rales , or rhonchi .

  4. 膨胀土干湿循环胀缩裂隙演化的CT试验研究

    A CT study on the crack evolution of expansive soil during drying and wetting cycles

  5. 干湿纺PAN纺丝溶液的制备及其性能研究

    Study on the preparation and properties of Pan spinning solution in dry-wet spinning

  6. 对大气干湿沉降和化肥的研究表明,土壤酸化速度明显,pH值年均降低0.02。

    The soil acidification is obviously rapid , with an annual decrease of 0.02 , due to both atmospheric deposition and fertilization .

  7. HACCP系统在干湿梅加工中的应用

    The application of HACCP system to the production of salted prune

  8. 蒸发比(E/E_0)指标在云南省干湿气候区划与干湿气候分类中的应用

    The Application of Evaporation Ration ( E / E_0 ) tO the Regionalization and Classification of Arid and Humid Climate of Yunnan Province

  9. 持续淹水和干湿交替预培养对2种水稻土中Cd形态分配及高丹草Cd吸收的影响

    Effect of Submerging and Wetting-Redrying on Cd Speciation and Uptake by Sorghum Hybrid Sudangrass in Two Paddy Soils Under Spiked Cd

  10. 而干湿交替条件下P的释放主要是氧化&还原条件变换下Fe-P的形态转换。

    And the main impetus of phosphorous release at alternately inundating - draining conditions was the latter .

  11. 干湿法制备异形PAN原丝及其力学性能的研究

    Study on dry-jet wet spinning process of noncircular cross-section shape polyacrylonitrile precursor for carbon fiber and the mechanical property

  12. 水量平衡各分量、土壤CO2释放量、森林小气候特征都与干湿季节的变化有明显的关系。

    The components of water balance , CO2 released from soil , and the property of forest microclimate obviously change with dry and wet seasons .

  13. 按再灌注不同时间即6h、24h、3d三个时间点采集标本。并通过干湿重法测脑水肿变化隋况;

    According to pours into the different time is again 6h , 24h , the 3d three time gathering specimen .

  14. Zn-Al合金热镀层在干湿交替条件的腐蚀

    Corrosion of hot-dip Zn-Al alloy coating under alternating wet and dry conditions

  15. 以3.5%的NaCl溶液为腐蚀剂,对碳钢和耐候钢进行干湿循环加速腐蚀实验。

    Both weathering steel and carbon steel were tested using an accelerated atmospheric corrosion test of dry wet cyclic immersion by 3.5 % NaCl solution .

  16. 另一方面,空气中PAHs的干湿沉降也是水体、土壤等环境介质中PAHs的重要来源。

    Then PAHs in dry and wet deposition is an important source of the PAHs in water , soil and some other environmental mediums .

  17. 将聚氯乙烯(PVC)和聚砜(PSF)共混,采用干湿纺工艺制备了中空纤维超滤膜。

    A hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane was prepared by using polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) and polysulfone ( PSF ) blends and the dry wet spinning technology .

  18. 扫描电镜(SEM)研究该体系干湿固化物结构形态,提出了醛亚胺基高分子复合物/环氧树脂体系湿固化成膜机理。

    The morphological structure of the dry - and wet-cured system was studied with the scanning electronic microscope , and the mechanism of film-formation of the system through dry curing was investigated and described .

  19. 进一步计算了干燥度指数,并在10a代际尺度上详细分析了辽西干湿气候变化特征。

    Furthermore , we have calculated the aridity index and analyzed the inter-decadal fluctuation of dry and wet climate .

  20. 干湿氢还原对Pt-Sn催化剂结构和反应性能之影响

    The Effects of Dry and Wet Hydrogen Reduction on the Structure and Reaction Characteristics of Pt-Sn Catalyst

  21. TGW型煤气干湿柜柜容柜位检测装置的应用

    Application of examination equipment on capacity of TGW dry / wet gas-holder

  22. 碱处理可以增大菌丝球的干湿比,提高其机械强度,但并不能提高其对Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附能力。

    Alkali treatment can increase the ratio of dry and wet mould mycelium pellet and reinforce its mechanical strength , but alkali treatment can not improve adsorption capacity of Pb ~ ( 2 + ) .

  23. 最终利用统计分析软件SPSS建立了路基干湿状况模型,并通过假设检验证明所得模型是有意义的。

    Make use of SPSS statistical analysis software to build dry and humidity conditions model of subgrade gradually , and prove the availability model significative by means a series of hypothesis testings .

  24. 模式中详细考虑了气象过程、气相与液相化学过程、非均相化学过程、气溶胶过程和干湿沉降过程对SO2输送、转化和沉降过程的影响。

    The impacts of meteorological processes , gas-phase chemistry , aqueous-phase chemistry , aerosol processes , heterogeneous chemistry and deposition processes upon sulfur transport , transformation and deposition were comprehensive considered .

  25. 树轮宽度记录的天山东段近200a干湿变化

    Variation of the Dryness in the Recent 200a Derived from Tree-Rings Width Records in the East Tianshan Mountains

  26. 总的来看,碳化、有限次数的冻融循环、盐溶液干湿循环对CFRP和GFRP纵向受拉性能影响不大。

    Anyway , carbonation , freeze and thaw cycles for limited times and wet and dry cycles in salt solution affect slightly on the tensile performance of CFRP and GFRP . 2 .

  27. 方法采用胶原酶注入诱导的大鼠尾壳核出血模型,用干湿法测定脑组织含水量,用黄嘌呤氧化酶法测定脑组织SOD水平。

    Method Collagenase was injected to made a rat model of caudate nucleus hemorrhage . A dry wet method was used to measure the water content of brain tissue and a xanthine oxidase method to determine SOD level in brain tissue .

  28. 对于大豆蛋白纤维/棉混纺针织物,只有采用Sirospun纺纱方法对其在干湿两种状态下的抗起毛起球性能有显著提高。

    The fuzzing and pilling property under both dry and wet condition of the treated woven fabrics was improved significantly .

  29. 调查结果说明,3H来源于核电站气态流出物和液态流出物,通过干湿沉降并贮留于处于下风向的草地土壤中,然后随雨水渗入监测井水。

    The survey indicated that ~ 3H is from gaseous and liquid effluents from the NPP , which is its seepage into well water together with rainfall through dried deposition and retention in grassland downstream .

  30. 通过2%NaOH溶液处理、浓H2SO4溶液处理或干湿交替处理,可使砧木山楂种子次年萌发并提高出苗率,不同种的山楂种子所适用的最佳处理方式不同。

    Pretreatments of hawthorn seeds with 2 % NaOH 、 98 % H_2SO_4 and alternation of drying-wetting could improve seed germination rate and seedling rate and could sprout well in the next spring .