
ɡān yǎn zhènɡ
  • xerophthalmia
干眼症 [gàn yǎn zhèng]
  • [xerophthalmia] 由于严重的维生素A缺乏而引起的眼球干燥、结膜增厚、失去光泽的情况

  • 他患了干眼症

  1. 干眼症动物模型制作及发病机制和治疗的研究

    The Study on Pathogenesis and Therapy of Xerophthalmia in Experimental Models

  2. Z-概率分布(英文)小心,干眼症正在流行

    Z - PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION Be Careful ! Xerophthalmia Is Spreading

  3. 这种生活方式会导致干眼症,也叫作干燥性角膜结膜炎。

    This sort of lifestyle can lead to dry eye syndrome even more .

  4. 男女患病率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。且随着年龄增长干眼症的患病率明显增加。

    There was no significant difference of morbidity between male and female ( P0.05 ), and the DES morbidity was obviously increased with ages .

  5. 结论:局部应用CSA联合FN人工泪液对干眼症治疗有较好的疗效。

    Conclusion : Topical treatment with CSA 0.2 % combined with FN in artificial tear is an effective therapy for dry eye patients .

  6. 探讨干眼症的中医证型与泪河宽度、SIT、BUT、FL检测结果及病情轻重程度的联系,对干眼症的中医辨证客观化、定量化方法进行初步探索。

    To discuss the correlation between the disease type of dry eye disease in Chinese medicine with its tear river width , diagnosis results of SIT , BUT , FL , and the seriousness of the disease .

  7. 方法:收集绝经后干眼症患者65例及正常对照73例血液标本,提取基因组DNA,用聚合酶链反应方法检测ER基因的XbaⅠ和PvuⅡ酶切多态性并进行统计学分析。

    Methods : Xba ⅰ and Pvu ⅱ polymorphism of ER gene were studied by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism ( PCR-RFLP ) in 65 patients with dry eye syndrome and 73 with controls in postmenopausal women .

  8. DR-1泪膜干涉成像仪动态成像法诊断干眼症的临床研究

    The role of kinetic analysis of tear interference images with DR-1 tear film interferometry camera in diagnosis of dry eye

  9. 目的检测脂质泪液不足型干眼症患者的泪液lipocalin(tearlipocalin,TL)浓度水平,探讨其与临床症状严重程度的相关性。

    Objective To determine the level of tear lipocalin ( TL ) in patients with lipid tear deficiency ( LTD ) was examined and these data were correlated with the severity of their clinical disorder .

  10. 方法:选择已确诊的干眼症患者37例(56眼),临床药物治疗观察时间分别为治疗后的1,3,6mo及1a。

    · METHODS : For 37 diagnosed cases ( 56 eyes ) whose clinical medicine observational time were 1 month , 3 months , 6 months and 1 year after treatment respectively , conjunctival impression cells were dynamically examined using acridine orange fluorescent staining .

  11. 方法选取干眼症患者及正常对照各25人,用Nidek公司生产的OPD-Scan测量受试者眨眼后5秒的像差。

    Methods Wavefront analysis of higher order ocular aberrations was performed in 25 dry eyes and 25 normal control eyes at 5 seconds after blink with OPD-Scan .

  12. 目的:评价重组人表皮生长因子衍生物(rhEGF)滴眼剂对轻度干眼症伴点状角膜病变、单纯疱疹性地图状角膜溃疡及中轻度化学烧伤治疗的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of recombinant human epidermal growth factor derivative ( rhEGF ) eye drops for mild dry eye syndrome with punctate corneal lesion ( PCL ), herpes simplex corneal ulcer ( HSCU ) and mild or moderate corneal chemical burn ( CD ) .

  13. 分泌减少性干眼症角膜共焦显微镜下的形态学改变

    Morphologic alteration of secretion-reducing dry eye syndrome with corneal confocal microscope

  14. 干眼症的中西医治疗进展

    Progress of treating dry eye with combination of TCM and Western Medicine

  15. 慢性睑缘炎与蒸发过强性干眼症的临床观察

    Clinical investigation of chronic blepharitis and evaporative loss dry eye

  16. 糖尿病2型患者干眼症发病相关因素分析

    Analysis of the pathogeny of dry eye in type 2 diabetic patients

  17. 绝经后干眼症妇女泪液与血清雌激素质量浓度的分析

    The analysis of estradiol content in tear and serum of postmenopausal women

  18. 绝经后女性干眼症的患病率明显增加。

    There is an obviously increase of DES morbidity in postmenopausal women .

  19. 环孢素滴眼液治疗干眼症20例

    Treatment of 20 Cases of Dry Eye with Cyclosporin A Eye Drops

  20. 干眼症治疗中印迹细胞检查的价值

    Quantitative Impression cell test in the treatment of dry eye

  21. 干眼症患者泪液乳铁蛋白检测的意义

    The detect signification of lactoferrin in tears of patients with dry eye

  22. 分析干眼症的主要临床表现,探讨临床诊治要点。

    And to discuss the principal focus of clinical diagnosis and treatment .

  23. 视屏终端综合征与干眼症关系的研究

    Relationship between visual display terminals syndrome and dry eye syndrome

  24. 无任何副作用,为重症干眼症治疗提供了新的手段。

    It offered the new approach of treating total xerophthalmia .

  25. 广西柳州市普通人群干眼症流行病学的调查

    Epidemiologic investigation and study of dry eye in common crowd of Liuzhou

  26. 环孢素治疗中重度干眼症的对照研究

    Controlled Observation of Cyclosporine A in Treatment of Middle to Severe Dry Eye

  27. 石斛爽目颗粒对干眼症临床与实验研究

    The Clinical and Experimental Study on Treating Dry Eye with Smooth Eye Grains

  28. 科学家们打算探讨干眼症与煤尘接触之间的关系。

    Scientists want to investigate the relation between xerophthalmia occurrence and smut contiguity .

  29. 常规眼科技术在干眼症检查方面的拓展应用

    Extended application of routine ophthalmic technology in dry eye

  30. 环孢素眼凝胶治疗干眼症的疗效观察

    Experimental study on the effect of cyclosporin in ophthalmic gel on keratoconjunctivitis sicca