
  • 网络average wind speed;mean;mean wind speed
  1. 由平均风速和其标准差估算Weibull参数的近似公式及其精度

    Formulas and their accuracy for estimating the Weibull parameters by average wind speed and standard deviation

  2. 20min时段内平均风速为5.8m/s时,沙蓬试验地的积沙量仅为0.62g;

    The average wind speed is 5.8 m / s in 20 min , the sand accumulation in the experimental plot is only 0.62 g ;

  3. 平均风速保持稳定。

    The average speed of the winds remained constant .

  4. 关于高斯烟羽模式中采用H和He平均风速的探讨

    An Investigation on Adoption of H and He Average Wind Velocities in Gaussian Plume Model

  5. 研究表明,应用最小二乘解法求得的风速Weibull分布参数不能准确地反映平均风速指标。

    However , the Weibull distribution parameters calculated with the least square method are not accurate enough to represent the average wind speed .

  6. 考虑平均风速和风向的概率分布,根据Miner线性累积损伤理论估算了该输电塔的风振疲劳寿命。

    Taking the probability distribution of the mean wind speed and the wind direction into account , the wind-induced fatigue life of the tower was computed by using Miner 's linear accumulation damage theory .

  7. 用零记忆非线性变换法模拟了满足Weibull分布和一定相关性的平均风速时间样本,计算了结构主裂纹扩展的时间样本,根据Monte-Carlo方法得出了给定时间的裂纹尺寸分布。

    The time series of mean wind velocity with given Weibull distribution and time related funtion were simulated by zero-memory nonlinearity method . The sample of crack growth was calculated . The statistical quantities were gained by Monte-Carlo method .

  8. 从靠近地面的月平均风速均匀混合特征,判断出季风爆发阶段改则地区边界层高度能达到3500m左右。

    From uniform mixing of wind speed , the authors can conclude that boundary layer height can be as high as3500 m in May and July .

  9. 平均风速与N02浓度值之间整年都维持显著的负相关,在冬季与另外两种污染物浓度值之间的负相关较为显著,其他季节相关关系较差。

    The negative correlation between mean wind velocity and the NO2 concentration is significant in the whole year .

  10. 整个区域自1970年以来,年平均风速在减小,但近40a来浑善达克沙地西部地区沙尘暴一直在发展;

    The annual mean wind velocity in the whole region is decreasing since 1970 . But the dust-storm in the west part of this region was existent at all times .

  11. 年平均风速为4m·s-1,1月风速最大为6.1m·s-1,上午风弱、午后风强;

    Mean annual wind speed is 4 m · s-1 , the maximum wind speed occurs in January ( 6.1m · s-1 ), there are strong winds in the afternoon and weak winds in the morning .

  12. 结果表明:在通常气象(平均风速)条件下,各类稳定度的TSP小时平均浓度在下风向距离800m以上均较低。基本上与实测值的TSP值相吻合。

    Under the common meteorological ( average wind speed ) condition , the average concentration of TSP per hour was relatively lower , more than 800 meters at the distance of lower wind direction , which was in accordance with the TSP ratio of the measurement .

  13. 近48a的年平均风速呈显著的下降趋势,月平均风速变化趋势呈双峰曲线。

    However , the annual average wind speed showed significant decrease trend in the latest 48 years . The trend of the monthly average wind speed appeared a double peaks curve .

  14. 当气温、日照时数、平均风速的变化量从-20%变化到20%时,ET0表现为逐渐增加的趋势,当平均相对湿度的变化量从-20%增加到20%时,ET0则逐渐减小;

    Daily ET0 also increased with temperature , sunshine hours and mean wind speed changed from-20 % to20 % , while daily ET0 decreased with average relative humidity changed from-20 % to20 % .

  15. 随着机械风气流的扩散,β值有逐步提高的趋势,当平均风速降到0.25m/s以下时,β值可达到典型自然风的数值。

    With the diffusion of mechanical wind ,β increases gradually as the velocity decreases , and reaches the value of natural wind for velocities less than ( 0.25 m / s. )

  16. 本文提出了采用极值分布变换法统计最大平均风速的建议,给出了结构风振的计算方法,首次导出了Davenport风速谱所对应的结构风振反应统计量的解析式。

    This paper proposes a suggestion about statistics of maxium mean wind speed by use of the translation method of extrem distribution based on the closed solution of structural response corresponding to Davenport spectral , a calculation method of structural response under wind load is given .

  17. 我国40年年平均风速的均一性检验

    The homogeneity test on mean annual wind speed over China

  18. 不同时距平均风速换算关系的研究

    The conversion coefficients between the average wind velocity in the different periods

  19. 年平均风速与城市发展指数的关系模型相关性均较高。

    The relationship models between annual mean wind-speed and urbanization are all significant .

  20. 基于等效平均风速的风力发电功率预测

    Wind Power Forecast Based on Equivalent Average Wind Speed

  21. 摩阻风速与平均风速的转化关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship Between Friction Wind Velocity and Mean Wind Velocity

  22. 年和四季的平均风速均趋于减小的趋势。

    The average wind speed of year and the four seasons presents decreasing tendency .

  23. 拱顶送风风速对工作区平均风速影响不大。

    The air velocity of arch crest has little influence on mean velocity of workaround .

  24. 在基本风速方面,各国规范的区别主要在于平均风速时距的取值;

    The analysis shows that averaging time is the uppermost difference on basic wind speeds ;

  25. 近46年来东北地区平均风速和大风气候趋势整体上均呈下降趋势。

    Nearly 46 years mean wind speed and the trend of strong wind days showed decreasing .

  26. 舍内平均风速小,仅0.048±0.019m/s;

    The average wind velocity in laying house was only 0.048 ± 0.019 m / s ;

  27. 高斯扩散模式平均风速u~-取值的合理性研究

    Study on the Reasonable Determination of an Average Wind Velocity in the Gaussian Atmospheric Diffusion Model

  28. 地表热力非均匀性对区域平均风速和动量通量分布无明显影响,但边界层内的局地流动性状和湍流动量输送情况有系统性的改变。

    However , local flow pattern and property of turbulent momentum transfer changed systematically in heterogeneous conditions .

  29. 球形物料在垂直管中的加速位移与平均风速

    The relation between the accelerated displacement average wind speed of a spheral object in the vertical pipe

  30. 利用风速频率瑞利分布对平均风速进行均一化,提出相当风速的概念;

    Standardized the wind speed by Rayleigh frequency distribution , a concept named equivalent wind speed was presented ;