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píng tóu
  • Flat head;crew cut;crop;a full (number);common people;closely cropped hair
平头 [píng tóu]
  • (1) [common people] 〈方〉∶普通;平常(人)

  • 平头百姓

  • (2) [a full (number)]∶用在数字前面,表示整数

  • 平头二十岁

平头[píng tóu]
  1. 她留着很短的平头。

    She 's had a very short crop .

  2. 他们想使小平头再度流行。

    They are trying to bring back the crew cut .

  3. 生活对于平头百姓而言依然是理不清的琐事。

    Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person .

  4. 我的观众当然不是街上的平头百姓。

    My audience certainly isn 't the proverbial man in the street .

  5. 他用双手摸了摸他平头上柔软的短发。

    He rubbed his hands over the soft bristles of his crew cut .

  6. 他们中有很多人表情阴郁,留着平头,一看就是警察。

    Many of them were policemen , with their heavy faces and cropped hair .

  7. RidersofJustice《正义骑士》麦斯·米科尔森饰演剃平头、留胡子的士兵马库斯,在妻子死于一场火车事故后,正在服役的他被运送回家。

    Mads Mikkelsen plays Markus , a bearded , crewcut soldier who is shipped home from active duty after his wife is killed in a train accident .

  8. 他正往墙上钉一枚平头钉用来挂画。

    He is hammering a tack into the wall to hang a picture .

  9. 芘从H2O/DMF溶剂向两亲嵌段共聚物平头胶团增溶

    Pyrene Solubilization from H_2O / DMF Solvent Mixture to the " Crew-Cut " Micelles of Polystyrene-Polyacrylic Acid Diblock Copolymer

  10. 芘从H2O/DMF混合溶剂向聚苯乙烯/聚丙烯酸二嵌段共聚物平头胶团增溶(Ⅱ)

    Pyrene Solubilization from H_2O / DMF Solvent Mixture into Crew Cut Micelles of Polystyrene Polyacrylic Acid Diblock Copolymer (ⅱ)

  11. 用MAC方法计算平头物体垂直等速入水空泡

    The Calculation of Vortical Constant-Speed Water Entry Cavity of Flat-Nosed Body using the MAC-Method

  12. 同时配套平头倒棱机、X射线探伤装置、水压试验机等设备。

    Production line , and meantime equipped with facing and chamfering machine , X ray inspection unit , hydrostatic tester , etc. .

  13. LGPLC在全自动平头设备中的应用

    Application of LG PLC in Automatic Butt Equipment

  14. 在满足强度、刚度基础上,运用ANSYS优化模块对平头塔机结构尺寸进行优化,以实现起重机结构轻量化的目的。

    And optimizes the structure dimensions by means of ANSYS optimization module in order to meet demands of light weight .

  15. CATIA上平头铣刀的曲面数控加工编程研究

    The surface numerical control programming research with flat head milling cutter on CATIA platform

  16. 在球面刀具干涉处理算法的基础上,对模具型腔自由曲面NC三轴加工中平头刀的刀具轨迹的干涉处理技术进行了分析。

    On the basis of interference treatment algorithm for spherical cutting tool , analysis was made on the interference treatment technology for flat head cutting tool path in NC triaxial machining unrestricted camber of mould cavity .

  17. 采用二维有限元Lagrange数值计算程序计算了平头弹对平板的高速撞击问题。

    Numerical examples that a high velocity rod impacts a plate target are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the method by the aid of a two dimensional Lagrange program .

  18. Φ165mm双头双工位平头机的研制

    Development of Φ 165 Double Head Dual Station Beveling Machine

  19. 读者不禁要问,这个剃着平头的家伙,达特茅斯大学(dartmouthcollege)夕日的明星进攻内锋,怎么就登上了与美国第一任财长亚历山大汉密尔顿(alexanderhamilton)平起平坐的高位呢?

    The reader is tempted to ask how this crew-cut , ex-star offensive lineman from Dartmouth College came to hold the same high office as Alexander Hamilton , the first Secretary of the US Treasury .

  20. 这与Reid类群×四平头种质过度利用,加之田间种植密度过大,通风透光差,田间隐蔽有极大的关系。

    This has great relationship with overuse of germplasm with blood of Reid × Sipingtou , high field planting density , poor ventilation , poor light transmission , heavy field hidden .

  21. 本文介绍了材质为ZH85黄铜的电极平头铸造工艺特点。

    Synopsis : The article introduced the foundry technology feature of the electrode tong hold made of ZH85 .

  22. 用梁-颗粒模型BPM2D对卵形头和平头动能弹贯穿混凝土平靶的过程进行数值模拟,给出贯穿过程中混凝土内部速度场的变化情况及混凝土的破坏区域。

    The perforation into a plain concrete panel with ogival and flat nose perforators is numerically simulated with the BPM 2D ( beam-particle model in two dimensions ) . The varieties of velocity field in concrete and failure zone surrounding the hole are described .

  23. 压力管道受平头弹体侧向冲击破坏的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Failure of Pressure Pipelines Impacted by Blunt Projectiles

  24. 钢管平头倒棱机的设计与制造

    Design and manufacture of end-facing / chamfering machine for steel tubes

  25. 用可编程控制器改造焊管平头控制系统

    Reform of Welded Pipe End Facing Control System by Programmable Controller

  26. 以穿着钉有平头钉的笨重的靴子为显著特点的。

    Marked by the wearing of heavy boots studded with hobnails .

  27. 提高东风平头载货汽车点火锁可靠性

    Enhancing the Reliability of the Ignition Switch on DONGFENG COE Truck

  28. 机械进给钢管自动平头倒棱机及气动自定心平头倒棱夹具

    Mechanized Feed Steel Pipe Automatic Facing and Chamfering Machine and Pneumatic

  29. 把金属片钉到木头上的短的平头钉。

    Short flat-headed nail used to attach sheet metal to wood .

  30. 平头百姓能拿到的票越来越少。

    That reduces even further the tickets available to Joe public .