
pínɡ bǎn diàn shì
  • flat panel television
  1. 在洗脸盆上方甚至都有平板电视,非常适合客人在浴室中慢跑时扫一眼法国时尚电视台(fashiontv)。

    Guests even have a flat-screen TV located above the sink basin , ideal for ogling Fashion TV while jogging around the bathroom .

  2. 音像专家先锋公司(Pioneer)在最近的经济危机中退出了竞争惨烈的平板电视领域。

    Pioneer bailed out of the grindingly competitive flat-screen TV business in the recent recession .

  3. 平板电视与CRT电视显示器的性能比较研究

    Comparative Research on the Display Performance of the Plate Television and CRT Television

  4. 发光二极管(LED),也就是现在为许多平板电视提供背光的同一种技术,明年的使用量有望翻番。

    Light-emitting diodes ( LED ) the same technology that now provides the backlight for many flat panel TVs will see its use double in the next year .

  5. 电脑上印有联想的商标,TCL则提供平板电视。

    Computers bear Lenovo 's logo , while TCL provided flat-screen televisions .

  6. 现在TCL推出了平板电视,利润率受到的侵蚀正在加大。

    Now it has introduced flat-screen TVs , margin erosion is intensifying .

  7. 平板电视制造商海信电器(hisenseelectric)的股价上涨5.8%,达到每股24.34元人民币的创纪录高点。

    Hisense Electric , a manufacturer of flat-panel televisions , rose 5.8 per cent to a record high of RMB 24.34 .

  8. 康佳几乎所有的平板电视都是晨星的IC,TTE、长虹则喜欢联发科。

    Nearly all the flat panel TVs of Konka adopts MStar Semiconductor 's IC , while TTE and Changhong prefer Media Tek .

  9. 平板电视消费市场正成为彩电市场消费的时尚潮流,CRT彩电企业面对残酷的外部环境。

    The LCD color television market is becoming the fashion tidal . The CRT television enterprises are facing the brutal exterior competition environment .

  10. 电视机制造商预测,随着全球经济的复苏、3d电视机上市销售,以及平板电视价格下降到新兴国家大众市场能够接受的程度,今年电视机的出货量将大幅增加。

    Television set makers are forecasting a dramatic increase in shipments this year as the global economy recovers , 3D sets go on sale and flat-panel TVs become cheap enough for the mass market in emerging countries .

  11. 最重要的决定之一,是积极进入平板电视组装市场,主要利用了索尼(Sony)扩大外包业务带来的机会。

    One of the most important decisions was aggressive entry into the flat-screen television assembly market , largely to take advantage of increased outsourcing by Sony .

  12. 去年9月,Vizio公司推出了售价不到1000美元的P系列4K电视,大大拉近了这种产品与平板电视的价格差异,后者的平均售价为450美元。

    Viziolaunched its P-series of 4K sets in September for under $ 1000 , bringing the sets much closer to the flat-panel average of $ 450 .

  13. 需求增长的最大推动力来自新兴市场,那里的经济增长强劲,消费者正开始以平板电视取代阴极射线管(CRT)电视。

    The biggest factor boosting demand is emerging markets , where economic growth is strong , and consumers are starting to replace cathode ray tube TVs with flat-panel displays .

  14. 亚马逊确认了该公司正在使用地铁投递PrimeNow订单:“在曼哈顿,我们的员工会使用自行车、徒步或使用公共交通方式递送包裹。他们只有在商品像平板电视那么大的情况下,才会采用驾车的方式送货。”

    Amazon confirmed it was using the subway for Prime Now orders : " In Manhattan , our folks bike , walk or use public transportation . They only drive if the item is large like a flat screen TV . "

  15. 随着数字电视的逐渐开播,大屏幕电视的市场需求正在不断上涨,但大屏幕CRT的市场正面临平板电视的巨大冲击。

    With the gradual launching of digital broadcasting , the demand for large-size television is on the rise , however , the Large-Size CRT market is facing the huge impact from FPD .

  16. 尽管与去年同期的156万台相比有所下降,但仍让公司重新坐上了美国LCD平板电视销售榜单的头把交椅。

    And while this is a drop from the 1.56 million sold in the same quarter a year earlier , the company reclaimed the top spot for sales of the flat panel LCD sets in the United States .

  17. EaglesNest,BayofIslands,NewZealand新西兰岛屿湾五个远离喧嚣的别墅,隐藏在北新西兰岛屿湾的半岛中,混合了海景和最简约的当代家具、抽象艺术和迷人的配件、包括平板电视和家庭影院系统。

    Five secluded villas , hidden away on a peninsula in northern New Zealand 's Bay of Islands , blend ocean vistas with minimal contemporary furniture , abstract art and glam gadgets , including flatscreen TVs and home cinema systems .

  18. 根据市场的需求和掌握先进技术的需要,本论文通过分析和研究国外成熟的解决方案,研究了平板电视控制板构架,并具体实现了OSD(Onscreendisplay)功能。

    This paper analyzes the architecture of FPD 's controlling board , realizing the function of OSD ( On Screen Display ) in details by investigating and studying foreign mature solving schemes according to requirements of markets and mastering advanced technology .

  19. 激光平板电视集中了激光电视和LCD、LED液晶电视的优点,不仅色域宽广,画面绚丽,而且体积小,功耗低,成为激光电视未来的发展方向。

    Laser flat-panel TV concentrates the advantages of Laser TV and LCD , LED TV , which includes not only the wide color gamut , brilliant screen , but also small size , low power consumption . Laser flat-panel TV becomes the future development direction .

  20. 不过,自从我成了“城市小镇”的玩家后,我一度热爱的Wii、Playstation3和Xbox360游戏都被打入了“冷宫”,在我的平板电视底下,落满了灰尘。

    Yet , here I am a cityville player while my once-beloved game consoles a Wii , PlayStation 3 , and Xbox 360 rest under my flat screen gathering dust .

  21. TCL多媒体大约有一半收入仍来自阴极射线管的生产,但这家生产TCL、乐华、汤姆森和RCA品牌电视的公司在平板电视领域也取得了增长。

    About half of TCL Multimedia 's revenue still comes from producing cathode-ray tubes , but the company , which makes TVs under the TCL , ROWA , Thomson and RCA brands , is growing in flat-screen TVs .

  22. 由于平板电视的普及,这种材料需求旺盛,但富士和柯尼卡美能达(konicaminolta)是仅有的能够生产这种材料的公司。

    There has been strong demand because of the spread of flat-panel televisions but Fujifilm and Konica Minolta are the only companies that can manufacture it .

  23. 分析了平板电视OSD的处理过程,定义了OSD的头结构及相应的数据结构,实现了OSD控制组件的设计方法和OSD的具体功能。

    This paper analyzes the processing procedure of FPD 's OSD , defines head structure and corresponding data structure of OSD , implements the controlling components ' design means and function of OSD in detail .

  24. 近年来,PLED(聚合物发光二极管)和a-SiTFT(非晶硅薄膜晶体管)技术取得了巨大进展,两者的结合有望成为未来平板电视的主流。

    PLED ( polymer light emitting diode ) and a-Si TFT ( amorphous Silicon thin film transistor ) technology have made great progress in the past few years . Combination of two technologies is expected to be the mainstream of future flat televisions .

  25. 现在,在高雄大众捷运系统的工人宿舍里,墙上甚至贴着泰国国王的画像,宿舍内还有平板电视,负责劳工政策的台湾高级官员LeeLai-hsi表示,他们的宗教和习惯必须得到尊重。

    In the dorms for the Kaohsiung MRT workers there are now even pictures of the Thai king on the walls and flat panel televisions , says Lee Lai-hsi , a senior labour policy official . Religion and their habits must be respected .

  26. 大概是房间里没有平板电视或玻璃器具,她如是评论道。

    Presumably no flat-screen TVs or glassware , was her comment .

  27. 自动切除平板电视面框侧浇口废料的注射模设计

    Design of Auto-Sheared Injection Mold for Edge Gate of FPD Cabinets

  28. 可以直观地指导厂商进行平板电视可靠性管控。

    It can be guidance for any company of Panel TV sets .

  29. 因此,对激光平板电视的呼声越来越高。

    Therefore , demand for Laser flat-panel TV has increased .

  30. 数字高清电视和平板电视正在创造一个巨大的新市场。

    Digital HDTV and FPD-TVs are now creating an enormous new market .