
  • 网络Pinghu School of Pipa
  1. 平湖派琵琶艺术的继承与创新

    Inheritance and Innovation of Pipa Art of Pinghu School

  2. 琵琶曲《平沙落雁》是平湖派的代表曲目之一,也是琵琶文曲中一首优秀的传统乐曲,曲调深远、朴实婉约,是一首主题情节步步推展而成的套曲。

    Pipa " pingshaluoyan " is one of the Pinghu is representative of track , pipa Venturi , a good traditional songs , tunes far-reaching , simple and graceful , is a theme of the plot step by step extended from divertimento .