
píng gǔn
  • Flat roller;plain-barreled roll
平辊[píng gǔn]
  1. 平辊轴的CO2保护自动堆焊初探

    Preliminary Probe on the Hardfacing of Level-Roller Shaft with CO_2 Metal-Arc Welding

  2. 平辊轧制矩形件脱方规律的研究

    Study on skew law of plain roller rolling square bar

  3. 本文介绍了熨平辊设计的特点和在高速铝带轧机上的应用。

    Solutions for stability of ironing roll for high speed foil mill ;

  4. 采用平辊实现自由程序轧制最优横移方案新方法

    Optimum Shift Scheme of SFR Realized by Adopting Flat Roll

  5. 立-平辊连轧精轧系统的精度控制

    Precision Control of Finish Rolling System with Horizontal-Vertical Roll

  6. 平辊轧制非局部摩擦问题及近似求解

    An Analysis and Approximate Solution for Strip Steel Rolling Problem with Nonlocal Friction

  7. 铜包铝复合棒材平辊轧制宽展变形行为

    Lateral spreading deformation behavior in flat rolling of copper cladding aluminum composite rods

  8. 偏心调整机构在焊管平辊机架上的应用

    Applications of eccentric adjusting structure to horizontal roll stand for steel pipe welding

  9. 敞口孔型下平辊结构的改进

    Improvement of flat roller structure being under open pass

  10. 平辊冷轧电算中松弛因子和收敛判据的处理

    Treatment of relaxation factor and convergence criterion in simulating flat roll cold rolling process

  11. 关于平辊轧制压力的计算公式

    A study on formulas to calculate rolling pressure

  12. 本实用新型应用于轧机的熨平辊装置。

    The utility model is applied to the ironing roll device of rolling mill .

  13. 此模型可对平辊轧制矩形件产生的脱方量进行定量计算。

    It may make quantitive account of skew ratio from plain roller rolling square bar .

  14. 流函数法解析厚件平辊轧制

    Fluxional function solution of thick slab rolling

  15. 直缝焊管机组定径平辊底径递增量的探讨

    A Cursory Review Concerning Bottom Diameter Progressive Increment of Flat Sizing Roll of Straight Weld Pipe Mill

  16. 针对此问题,对熨平辊结构进行改造,取得了满意效果。

    To solve this problem , we modified the structure of ironing roll and gained satisfactory results .

  17. 本文介绍了熨平辊在高速铝箔轧机上的应用及其设计方法。

    The article accounts for the application of the ironning roll and it 's design method for high speed roil mill .

  18. 采用三维流函数速度场按上界法解析了厚件平辊轧制问题。

    An upper bound method of triaxial fluxional function velocity field is used to analyse thick slab rolling in this paper .

  19. 多道次立-平辊轧制立辊孔型对轧件头尾形状影响的有限元分析

    FEM Analysis of Influence of Vertical Roll Shape on Head and Tail Shape of Rolled Piece During Multipass V-H Rolling Process

  20. 对F4~F6机架平辊的预磨凸度进行优选,明显改善了带钢的平直度。

    As for flat roll of F4 ~ F6 stands , their pre-grinding crowns were optimized and the flatness of strips was greatly improved .

  21. 而在矫直各种型材和板材时,多用平辊矫直机来进行矫直。

    While in straightening various kinds of section bar and plates , plain barreled roller straightening machine will be used to straightening much more .

  22. 多道次立-平辊轧制轧件角部金属流动状态有限元模拟调宽轧制平轧过程轧件角部应力研究

    FEM Analysis to the Slab Corner Metal Flow Condition During Multi-Pass V-H Rolling Process Research on the Corner Stress of Dog-Bone Shaped Workpiece During Flat-Spread Rolling

  23. 采用铅作为模拟材料,模拟比1∶10,对热带粗轧机组平辊立轧时非稳定轧制阶段变形规律进行了模拟实验研究。

    Using 1 / 10 scale Pb , non steady deformation during edge rolling with flat rolls in roughing stands of hot strip mills has been simulated .

  24. 基于中厚板无切边轧制法中立轧轧边变形的物理模拟,分析了平辊立轧与倒棱轧制对中厚板断面形状的影响。

    Based on physical simulation of edge rolling process in Trimming-Free Plate rolling method , the affection of V rolling and chamfer rolling on the plate profile is analyzed .

  25. 焊管成型机的敞口成型下平辊磨损非常严重,辊耗很大,车削修磨后再利用的费用较高。

    Wear of flat roller in welded pipe forming machine is very serious . Because of large loss , the cost is high if it is used after turning .

  26. 结合显式动力学有限元方法、几何模型更新方法、隐式静力有限元方法对立-平辊轧制过程三道次三维热、力场进行了分析。

    Three passes of vertical-horizontal ( V-H ) rolling process with 3-D thermal and mechanic field was simulated by explicit dynamic FEM , updating geometric method and implicit static FEM .

  27. 本实用新型设有双轴辊压平辊和振动电机,在滚压的同时又能振动压实,提高摊铺效率;

    The utility model is equipped with a double-shaft rolling and flattening roller and the vibrating motor , so that vibration compact can be achieved while rolling , and the paving efficiency is improved .

  28. 通过对平辊轧制的宽展分析与计算,确定了防止产生脱方现象的合理轧制程序,阐述了利用平辊轧制的优缺点和需要解决的实际问题。

    Through analysis and calculation on flat roll spread rolling the reasonable rolling program to prevent rhomboidity is determined , the advantages and disadvantages of it and some practical problems to be solved stated .

  29. 通过钢辊轧制铅件模拟热轧钢件,研究了平辊轧制矩形件过程,轧件的宽高比、鼓形比和压下率三个参数对脱方的影响。

    This thesis studies the effect of wide & high ratio , bump ratio and reduction ratio on the skew ratio in plain roller rolling square bar through simulated hot rolling steel by steel roller rolling lead .

  30. 提出了在接近变形区入口处附加一列超薄单元来处理刚塑性有限元法解析平辊轧制过程时第一类奇异点的新方法,并从理论上进行了解释。

    A new method , in which one array of extreme thin element is attached before the entry of roll gap , is presented to deal with singular point during simulation of common rolling by rigid plastic FEM , and an explanation is given in theory .