
  • 网络plane stress;plain stress
  1. 基于MATLAB的平面应力问题研究

    To solve problem of the plane stress with MATLAB

  2. 平面应力条件下非均质焊接接头中的J主导

    J-dominance in heterogeneous welded joint for plane stress case

  3. 平面应力裂端约束与J控制裂纹稳态扩展

    Crack-tip constraint and J-CONTROLLING stable growth of crack in plane stress case

  4. 平面应力状态下J积分与KⅠ关系的推导

    The derivation of relationship between J integral and K_ ⅰ in view of the plane stress state

  5. 通过与增量的积分参数T比较,说明对平面应力试件动态J积分可以在相当长的扩展段内表征断裂韧性。

    Second , dynamic J integral could be used for plane stress I mode cracked body within certain length of crack growth .

  6. 应用Taylor理论模拟了体心立方(BCC)和面心立方(FCC)金属在平面应力条件下的各向同性屈服行为。

    The isotropic yield behaviors of BCC and FCC metals under plane stress condition are simulated with the Taylor theory .

  7. 由两种试样实测及有限元计算模拟的平面应力J阻力曲线符合良好。

    The J-resistance curves measured experimentally from the two specimens geometries coincide with each other and agree well with those calculated by FEM simulations .

  8. 本文用对偶单形法线性规划求解Taylor理论,计算了面心立方和体心立方金属在平面应力条件下各向同性屈服表面。

    The isotropic surfaces of both fce and bcc metals under plane stress were calculated by Taylor theory which was solved with the linear programming dual simplex method .

  9. MVM材料轴对称平面应力问题的弹塑性解

    Elastic-Plastic Solution for an Axisymmetric Plane Stress Problem in MVM Material

  10. 利用Mohr圆求平面应力状态下任意斜截面上应力图解法的一个建议

    A proposal of graphic method that stress on any inclined section under plane stress is solved by using Mohr circle

  11. 进入塑性后,切口根部的Kt随载荷水平的增加逐渐下降,并介于平面应力和平面应变情形之间;

    However , in plastic phase , the SCF in finite thickness specimen falls into between two extreme plane stress and strain cases with the plastic deformation increasing .

  12. 结果表明,仅仅在平面应力的条件下HRR理论的应用是肯定的。

    The results indicate that the application of the HRR theory is positive only in the plane stress case .

  13. 从单模光纤双折射现象出发,结合弹光效应的理论分析,重点讨论了在平面应力和平面应变两种情况下,单模光纤和FBG在外界横向均匀挤压力作用下的特性表现。

    According to single-mode fiber birefringence and elastic-optic effect , characteristics of single-mode fiber and FBG under uniform external transverse pressure are researched in both cases of the plane stress and plane strain .

  14. 本文论及针对这种试板,调用ADINA程序进行弹塑性有限元分析,平面应力模式下的计算结果与实际测试结果十分接近。

    M. for this centre cracked plate by ADINA Program . The computing result for this plate of plane stress model and test result were very close .

  15. 提出了建立在应变空间上的混凝土四参数破坏准则,从而消除了Hooke定律假设和平面应力假设对有限元分析计算的影响。

    With the four-parameter failure criterion presented in this paper , the influences are eliminated of the basic postulations of the Hooke law and the plain stress on the finite element calculation .

  16. 文章报告了两组Q235钢小缺口试件在平面应力与平面应变条件下的疲劳启裂门槛值的测定结果。

    In this paper , the experimental results of fatigue initiation threshold at sharp notch are reported for two groups of Q 235 steel under plane stress and plane strain conditions .

  17. 求解方法是基于积分变换技术,将混合边值问题化为Wiener-Hopf型积分方程,求得了裂纹所在平面应力和位移的封闭形式解。

    The transform methods are used to reduce the boundary value problem to a single integral equation that can be solved by Wiener-Hopf technique .

  18. 利用Hill条件和扰动场理论,建立了平面应力状态下复合材料有效柔度的平移性质的普适微分方程,所得方程与复合材料微结构形状和分布无关。

    Based on the Hill 's condition and field fluctuation approach , a set of universal differential equations are derived for the shift property of the effective compliances of planar composites in plane stress state . The derived equations are independent of the distribution and the shape of the microstructures .

  19. 结果表明:微量Ce在这两种时效条件下可在一定程度上降低1420合金薄板的裂纹扩展阻力、启裂抗力及平面应力断裂韧性,减少二次裂纹,使沿晶分层现象不明显。

    The results indicate that adding minor Ce into alloy 1420 could decrease the crack propagation resistance , starting fracture resistance and plane stress fracture toughness to a certain degree . The secondary cracks can be also reduced and the crack-dividing delamination becomes insignificant because of Ce microalloying .

  20. 引入单位脉冲函数和Dirac函数之后,从平面应力基本方程出发,建立了两端固支深梁静力问题的状态方程,还给出了问题的解析解。

    In this paper , the state equation of bending for a two-end built-in beam is established from basic equations of plane stress problem by introducing a unit pulse function and Dirac 's function . An analytical solution is given .

  21. 正交异性材料在R.Hill屈服准则下平面应力问题的特征场(h>2)

    The characteristic field of plane stress problem for the orthotropic materials under R.Hill yield criterion ( h > 2 )

  22. 针对平面应力问题,提出了利用状态空间法和微分积分法的混合解法(SSDQM)。

    The state space method coupled with the technique of differential quadrature ( SSDQM ) was presented for plane stress problems .

  23. 根据J2流动理论并采用有限元法分析了小范围屈服条件下,各向同性幂强化材料及理想塑性材料中的准静态I型平面应力稳恒裂纹扩展问题。

    Based upon the J2-flow theory , a finite element analysis of quasi-static , mode-I steady crack growth in plane stress under small scale yielding conditions was carried out for isotropic power law hardening and nonhardening materials .

  24. 提出并论证了平面应力相似模型存在极限模拟采深.对超过极限模拟采深的1000m采深岩盐溶腔稳定性相似模型进行简化及系数修正。

    It is proposed and proved that there is a limit of model working depth in plane stress analogous model . The analogous model is at the working depth 1000m beyond the limit is simplified and its factor is modified .

  25. 用断裂力学理论和Westergaard方法,确定了复变应力函数,推导出螺旋切槽在准静态压力作用下的裂纹尖端平面应力、应变场。

    Fracture mechanics and Westergaard Stress Function are adopted to build a complex stress function to derive the plane stress and strain fields at one tip of the crack under a Quasi-static pressure .

  26. 对于平面应力状态下,在Huber-Mises型弹性-理想塑性材料中Ⅰ型裂纹定常扩展时裂纹尖端附近应力应变场的渐近分析问题作了评述。

    Reviewed is the asymptotic analysis of the near tip field for a steady state mode I growing crack in Huber-Mises type of clastic-perfectly plastic materials under plane stress conditions .

  27. 本试验利用自制的地质力学模型材料(MSB),在窑洞式地下厂房的立式平面应力模型的周边上,按实际主应力方向进行加载。

    In this paper , a self-made geomechanics model material ( MSB ) is used for exerting normal load in the direction of actual principal stress on the round sides of the vertical plane stress model of large buried underground power houses .

  28. 有限厚度板中面应力强度因子(KI)m-p及最大应力强度因子(KI)max均大于平面应力或平面应变的应力强度因子。

    The value and location of maximum SIF depend on the plate thickness . Both the SIF in the middle plane ( K I ) m-p and the maximum SIF ( K I ) max are greater than the one of the plane stress or the plane strain .

  29. 利用大变形弹塑性有限元方法,分析了平面应力与平面应变紧凑拉伸试件的裂端应力应变场,对于厚度为0.5mm及25mm的试件进行了弹塑性断裂评估。

    Using the large deformation FEM the stress and strain near a tip in CT specimens were analyzed by plane stress and plane strain deformation , respectively . Fracture assessments for CT specimens with thickness of 0 . 5 mm and 25 mm were conducted .

  30. 正交各向异性弹性平面应力的近似计算方法

    An approximate method for determining the plane stress of orthotropic material