
  1. 是并列复句,还是复句形式作谓语;

    Coordinate-compound sentence or predicate in the form of compound sentence ;

  2. 复句可以分成并列复句和偏正复句两类。

    Complex sentences can be divided into the two types coordinate complex sentence and subordindate complex sentences .

  3. 并列复句是汉语学习过程中接触时间较早、使用频率较高且贯穿学习者整个学习过程的一类复句,并且泰汉语在并列关联词语上既有相似性又有差异性。

    Parallel complex sentences is Uighur that we contact earlier , higher frequency use in the process of learning Chinese , and it also runs through the whole learning process of Uighur learning .

  4. 本文主要考察以左和右引导的现代汉语并列复句,并尝试揭示其句序规律以及构成原因。

    This paper mainly investigated the parallel clause complex sentences which are guided by " the left X " clauses and " the right X " clauses in modern Chinese . We try to reveal the cause of word order rules , and constitute .

  5. 儿童语言中的并列式复句

    The co-ordination compound sentence in child language

  6. 本文从思维表述和信赖程度两个角度,讨论邢福义先生提出的复句三分系统分类的心理依据:并列类复句在思维表述上具有一致性,在主观信赖程度上具有非制约性;

    From the perspective of thought-expression and the degree of trust the paper discusses the psychological bases of the trisection-classification-system of the complex sentence put forward by Xing Fuyi : the coordinate type shows consistency in thought-expression and non - conditionality on the degree of trust ;

  7. 这是一个并列关系的复句。

    This is a compound-complex sentence .