
  • 网络Parallelism;DEGREE;Degree of Parallelism;concurrency;DOP
  1. EnterpriseReplication增加了在目标服务器上应用事务时的并行度,从而可以获得更好的性能。

    Enterprise Replication has increased the degree of parallelism when applying transactions on target servers , resulting in better performance .

  2. 默认值是0,这意味着对于DB2可能调用的并行度没有上限。

    The default is0 , which means that there is no upper limit for the degree of parallelism that DB2 may invoke .

  3. 然后根据系统实时性的要求,对编解码算法进行了优化,通过C语言级和汇编语言级的两级优化,以及系统内部的空间调整,提高了程序执行的并行度。

    With the real-time request , the program is optimized by C program optimization , compilation optimization .

  4. 将LED屏幕设计模块化,设计了基于两级FPGA的高并行度的寻址电路实现了海量数据的高速空间寻址。

    The fast spatial addressing circuit based on the two grades of FPGA for large data was achieved by using the modular screen .

  5. 如果不显式地指定该选项,DB2默认地使用两个表的并行度(PARALLELTABLE2选项)。

    If this option is not explicitly specified , DB2 by default uses two table parallelism ( as if you have specified the parallel table 2 option ) .

  6. 为了提高数据处理单元的并行度,将DLMS算法实现在FPGA器件中。

    Implements the DLMS algorithm in FPGA device to improve the parallelism of the data processing unit .

  7. 因此资源管理是开发可伸缩、高并行度N层结构应用程序时需要考虑的一个重要问题,也成为当前软件工程领域研究的热点问题之一。

    So , the system resource management is an important question for developing N-tier structure application programs with scalable and high parallel degree and is one of hotspot problem in software engineering region currently .

  8. 在数据吞吐量大,并行度高,算法比较简单,状态较少,流程比较简单和对时延要求较高的场合,应用FPGA非常适合。

    At the situation of high-data-rate , high-parallel , simple algorithm , less states , simple data flow and critical delay , the FPGA can offer a very good solution .

  9. 现有文献很少考虑到WebServices系统(WSS)这类具有随机并行度的多用户系统的可靠性问题。

    The current research work considered nothing explicitly about the reliability problem for the multi-user system of random degree of parallelism , such as the Web Services system ( WSS ) .

  10. 实验结果表明,该方法的测试速度比一般BIST的速度快K倍(K为并行度),而硬件花费与一般BIST结构相当。

    Experimental results show that test velocity is K times faster than that of general BIST structure , while hardware cost is equivalent to that of general BIST .

  11. 指令调度通过调整指令之间的顺序来提高指令级并行度(ILP)。

    Instruction scheduling is used to exploit the instruction level parallelism ( ILP ) inherent in program through reordering its instructions .

  12. 实验结果表明,该框架很好地提高了指令级并行度(ILP),减少了指令执行时间。

    The results of the experiment demonstrate that this framework can improve ILP efficiently , and reduce the execution time greatly .

  13. 并且可以充分利用PDM系统的各种管理工具,规范企业的工作流程,提高工艺设计与产品设计、制造之间的并行度,缩短开发周期,降低成本。

    It also helps the enterprise to standardize the working flow , improve the degree of parallelism between designing and manufacturing , cut the cycle of production , and reduce the cost .

  14. 当将查找(lookup)表与其他较大的分区的表相连接时,通过将查找表也进行分区,可以最大化并行度。

    When lookup tables are used in joins with other large partitioned table spaces , you can maximize the parallelism in the join by partitioning the lookup tables as well .

  15. 在详细分析工作流程的基础上,提出了利用SCSI协议所支持的失连-再选功能来实现多线程技术,以提高磁盘阵列每个串控制器下所挂接的磁盘I/O操作的并行度。

    Based on the above research , a multi-thread technology , supported by SCSI protocol , is presented , thus can improve the parallel processing of the RAID .

  16. 但是,这里性能提高得不大显著,而且很大程度上要取决于可用的资源和WebSphereDataStage引擎中定义的并行度。

    However , the improvements are likely to be much less dramatic , and much depends upon the resources available and the levels of parallelism defined within the WebSphere DataStage engine .

  17. IDS现在可以对备份和恢复过程中dbspace的排序做出明智的决策,以取得最大的并行度,从而减少备份和恢复所需的时间。

    IDS now makes intelligent decisions regarding the ordering of dbspaces during backup and restore processes to achieve maximum parallelism , thus reducing the backup and restore time necessary .

  18. GPU处理具有较高的并行度,利用GPU对细节复杂模型的绘制进行加速是一个有效加速途径。

    Modern Graphics Processing Unit ( or GPU ) has powerful parallel computing capability , and thus using GPU to accelerate the real time rendering of highly detailed surfaces is an effective approach .

  19. 文章论述和分析了任务粒度、并行度和并行通信方式三者之间的关系,以及DAG任务图中的任务映射方法。

    This paper presents and analyzes the relationship among granularity of the tasks , parallelism and parallel communication fashion , and the tasks mapping method of the DAG task-graph .

  20. Hadoop的独特之处在于它简单的编程模式使用户可以快速编写和测试分布式系统以及它的高效、自动分配数据和跨计算机处理,进而能够利用CPU内核的底层并行度。

    What makes Hadoop unique is its simplified programming model which allows the user to quickly write and test distributed systems and its efficient , automatic distribution of data and work across machines and in turn utilizing the underlying parallelism of the CPU cores .

  21. 本文首先对Cilk程序进行静态优化,包含并行度优化和负载均衡优化。

    A static optimization is proposed first , which contains optimization of parallel degree and optimization of balance .

  22. 在SANFS扩容的基础上,本文研究与设计负载均衡策略针对不同的应用需求增加存储设备访问的并行度。

    Based the extending capability of SANFS , this paper studies and designs load balance strategy enlarge the concurrency of accessing the storage device with the applications varying .

  23. 该算法具有较好的数值稳定性,能够获得较大的并行度。

    The parallel algorithm possesses better numerical stability and parallelism content .

  24. 分簇算法就需要解决并行度和簇间传输的平衡。

    Clustering algorithm need to balance parallelism and transfer between clusters .

  25. 文中采用了动态调度的策略,最大限度地提高了测试的并行度。

    Dynamic scheduling is adopted , which maximizes the parallelism of testing .

  26. 设计主要考虑了流水线操作和并行度处理。

    Pipelining and parallelism were main consideration of the design .

  27. 通过这种方式,它可以取得恒定的高并行度。

    In this way , it can achieve a constant and high parallelism .

  28. 控制投机和数据投机是提高程序指令级并行度的有效方法。

    Control & Data speculations are effective ways to improve instruction level parallelism .

  29. 具有最大并行度的合流性主动规则执行模型

    A confluent active rule execution model with maximal parallelism

  30. 基于最佳并行度的任务依赖图调度

    Optimum Degree of Parallelism-based Task Dependence Graph Scheduling Scheme