- 网络canton road;Canton Rd

They provided 1237 high-quality quarters , replacing 534 very old Junior Police Officers quarters at sites on Hollywood Road and Canton Road .
Haiphong Road and Peking Road are the principle pedestrian corridors , which link the commercial developments along Canton Road to Nathan road .
Across the Hong Kong harbour on Canton road , Louis Vuitton is re-opening a store that it has overhauled and expanded .
Bus973 from Canton Road in Tsim Sha Tsui outside Silvercord Centre and alight at the Stanley Market Bus Terminus and then walk for10 minutes .
Stores [ that make a ] large portion of [ their ] sales to mainland tourists , therefore , are holding their own , such as our flagship in Canton Road .
The absence of a luxury goods tax in the city made the shops an instant success and there are entire streets , such as Canton Road in Kowloon , which are dominated by luxury brands .
Standing on the roof of the government offices in Canton Road , your breath is taken away by the prospect : 40 hectares of reclaimed waterfront , with a stunning view of Hong Kong Island .
To speed up our financial integration with the Mainland , we will implement new measures with our neighbours in Guangdong Province on an early and pilot basis to enhance the two-way flow of financial institutions , financial products , capital and talent between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region .