
  • 网络Advertising cycle
  1. 广告圈所称的CPM,即获得每千个(潜在)印象的成本,就源自这段历史。

    From this history came the cost per thousand ( potential ) impressions , better known as CPM in media industry .

  2. 现在我是广告圈众所周知的厕所男孩。

    So now I 'm known throughout the advertising world as Toilet Boy .

  3. 大学毕业后他先是进了广告圈,但有一次开车穿过新泽西州时,他对建筑和家装的热情又重新涌上了心头。

    He worked in advertising after college , but on a drive through New Jersey , his love of construction and home building resurfaced .

  4. 认为大众可以被愚弄、牵着鼻子走的人,就是低估社会大众;当然,他在广告圈也不会有什么大成就。

    Anyone who thinks that people can be fooled or pushed around has an inaccurate and pretty low estimate of people-and he won 't do very well in advertising .

  5. 此时此刻,新闻、广告和娱乐圈对欧亚混血儿都有空前广泛的介绍。

    At the moment , Eurasians are enjoying an unprecedented high profile in the news , in advertising , and in the entertainment industry .