
  • 网络guangzhou city polytechnic
  1. 广州城市职业学院工学结合人才培养模式改革探索

    Exploration on the Reform of " Work-integrated Learning " Talent Cultivation Mode at Guangzhou City Polytechnic

  2. 广州城市职业学院副教授张翼日表示,曾经要求所有学生都发型一致的规定早已经不符合时代要求。

    Zhang Yiri , an associate professor at Guangzhou City Polytechnic , said the rules that require all the students to have the same , short hairstyle are outdated .

  3. 高职课程考试管理与改革探索&以广州城市职业学院为例

    On Examination Management and Its Reform in Higher Vocational Education & Guangzhou City Polytechnic as an Example

  4. 读者调查研究方法的实证分析&广州城市职业学院图书馆读者调查案例研究

    Empirical Analysis on Methods of Reader Survey & Case Studies of Reader Survey in Guangzhou City Polytechnic Library

  5. 广州城市职业学院学生思想状况调查报告高职院校图书馆信息服务社会化的问题与对策&以江苏经贸职业技术学院图书馆为例

    Survey on the Ideological Conditions of the Students in Guangzhou City Polytechnic Problem and Solution to Socialization of Information Service in Higher Vocational College & Taking Library of Jiangsu Institute of Economics and Trade Technology as an Example