
  1. 然后我们去著名的广州宾馆吃点心。

    Then we can have dim sum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant .

  2. 广州白天鹅宾馆良好的服务态度是无与伦比的。

    The White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou can 't be matched for friendliness .

  3. 广州白天鹅宾馆

    White Swan Hotel , Guangzhou

  4. 广州大沙岛宾馆座落于美丽的珠江沿岸风景线大沙头路22号,是一座按三星级标准设计装修的宾馆。

    Pratas Hotels located in the beautiful scenery along the Pearl River Line Daishatou Road on the22nd , is a three-star standard design on the decoration of guesthouses .

  5. 但在广州天秀宾馆,与北京时钟和纽约时钟一同悬挂的,还有一些人们不太熟悉的首都的时钟&如布拉扎维和巴马科。

    But at the Tianxiu Hotel in Guangzhou , there are some less familiar names alongside the time in Beijing and New York – Cairo , Brazzaville and Bamako .

  6. 广州地区度假型宾馆淡季需求管理措施研究

    Off-season 's Demand Management Measures of Resort Hotels in Guangzhou Area

  7. 广州的一家宾馆,吉利号码的房间开价竟然比其它房间高。

    One hotel in Canton even has a higher price on rooms with lucky numbers .

  8. 那一次,他们入住了广州的白天鹅宾馆,那里是世上非常美好的一个地方。

    Once they made it to Guangzhou 's White Swan Hotel , the world seemed a better place altogether .

  9. 作者在广州市两个中高档宾馆的餐厅进行了一次实证研究,探讨正常服务中公平性的组成成分及其对服务质量、消费价值、顾客满意程度和行为意向的影响。

    The authors have done an empirical research in one of the four-star hotels and one of the three-star hotels in Guangzhou to investigate the components of service fairness and their impacts on customer perceived service quality , consumption value , customer satisfaction and customer behavioral intentions .

  10. 停靠码头的广州水上巴士,从广州白天鹅宾馆到这白鹅潭酒吧街乘坐它只需十分钟航程。

    A float autobus ( speedboat ) berthing at the dock , it takes only ten minutes sail from White Swan Hotel Guangzhou to the Baietan Bar Street by the float autobus .