
  1. LGG5的摄像头也与众不同,在手机背面有两个分列于LED闪光灯两侧的传感器,像素分别达到800万和1600万,而800万像素的传感器赋予了手机广角拍摄的功能。

    And the camera is different too . The LG G5 has both 8 - and 16-megapixel sensors on the back , located on either side of the LED flash . The secondary 8MP sensor allows wide-angle shots .

  2. 对于广角拍摄,使用相机的曝光表来决定正确的自然光曝光。

    For wide angle , use the camera 's light meter to determine a good ambient light setting .

  3. 在广角拍摄中,有时候阳光会使局部区域过曝,但这也是需要的。

    In wide-angle photography , sometimes the sun will create areas that are burnt out , but still desirable .

  4. 如果你的照相机有这个功能,试着使用广角来拍摄以取得不同的效果。

    For a different effect , try shooting the photo as a panorama , if your camera has that feature .

  5. 下面一幅高清图片是由信使号广角相机所拍摄的三种颜色下的照片合成的,但颜色已做增强处理,否则在肉眼看来,水星表面颜色会相对太淡。

    This sharp imagecombines three of the MESSENGER wide angle camera 's colors , but in exaggerated fashion . Otherwise , to the unaided human eye , Mercury 's surface colors would appear comparatively muted .