
bì hù
  • asylum;shelter;protect;refuge;sanctuary;shield;umbrella;screen;harbourage
庇护 [bì hù]
  • [protect;shelter] 袒护;掩护

  • 他弄出这些事来,谁也庇护不了他

庇护[bì hù]
  1. 但没有人像惠特沃斯一样,具备公司治理方面的经验,也没有人能为CEO惠特曼提供庇护,使其免受股东们的责难。

    But none have governance running through their veins , like Whitworth has , and none would provide the shield from shareholders that CEO Whitman has enjoyed .

  2. 他撒谎以庇护他的兄弟。

    He told a lie to shield his brother .

  3. 他们被迫寻求庇护,以躲避战争。

    They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting .

  4. 那位大臣被指责庇护不可原谅的行为。

    The minister was accused of defending the indefensible .

  5. 门多萨在要求获得政治庇护之前一直呆在这里。

    Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum

  6. 法国已经同意了他寻求政治庇护的请求。

    France had agreed to his request for political asylum

  7. 1987年他在本国逃脱警察追捕后,就申请了政治庇护。

    He applied for asylum in 1987 after fleeing the police back home .

  8. 考古学家判定这个堡垒建于罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护统治时期。

    Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius .

  9. 申请政治庇护者中,只有不到10%获得了德国法庭批准。

    Fewer than 10 percent of applicants are granted political asylum by German courts .

  10. 在对难民到使馆寻求庇护一事产生严重分歧后,西班牙召回了其大使。

    Spain has recalled its Ambassador after a row over refugees seeking asylum at the embassy

  11. 到泰国寻求庇护的人日益增多,这开始引起了西方援助机构的不安。

    The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies

  12. 如果出了问题,根本无处可躲,没有哪个机构会庇护你,让你免受指责。

    There is nowhere to hide when things go wrong , no organisation to cocoon you from blame

  13. 寻求政治庇护的难民人数最近有所增长。

    The number of refugees seeking political asylum has risen recently .

  14. 他在德国得到政治庇护。

    He was granted asylum in Germany .

  15. 18Takecover寻找庇护隐蔽是指寻找庇护或保护免受危险物的侵害。

    To take cover means to find shelter or protection from something dangerous .

  16. 这座庇护所有着世界上数量最大的冬季麋鹿群。

    The refuge contains the largest wintering population of elk in the world .

  17. 非洲人成为契约上的仆人,以劳力交换庇护及最终的自由

    The Africans became indentured servants , trading labor for shelter and eventual freedom .

  18. 有只鹿受到了猎犬的追捕,拼命地逃进一个洞里寻求庇护。他希望这是一个安全的地方,可以躲避猎犬。

    A stag was chased by the hounds , and took refuge in a cave , where he hoped to be safe from his pursuers .

  19. 他们中的大多数人决定生活在父母的庇护下,因为他们想这样做,而他们的伴侣没有其他选择。

    Most of them decide to stay under the influence of their parents because they want to ; the other part have no other choice .

  20. 如今的齐国对您来说就像海水一样,您多年得到齐国的庇护,还用得着在薛地筑城吗?

    To Your Majesty4 , state Qi is like the sea . And Qi has protected you for a long time . So there is no need to build city wall in Xue .

  21. 从古老的橡树林到有数百年历史的白蜡树和山毛榉林,林地为包括蝴蝶、鸟类和昆虫在内的各种野生动物提供了庇护,并锁住了数百万吨碳。

    From ancient oak forests to centuries-old groves1 of ash or beech2 , they provide a refuge for wildlife , including butterflies , birds and insects , and lock up millions of tonnes of carbon .

  22. 根据追踪航空事件的网站航空安全网络(AviationSafetyNetwork)的数据,曾有九架民航飞机被寻求庇护的飞行员劫持。

    Nine passenger planes have been hijacked by pilots seeking asylum , according to the Aviation Safety Network , a website that tracks air incidents .

  23. 一位移民事务顾问DavidJones说,寻求庇护案件可能会被照顾到,但是接下来把你的家人也带来的诉求可能没人管。

    Asylum-seeking may be covered but bringing over your family later may not be , says David Jones , a consultant on migrant issues .

  24. 按照今天的标准,作为庇护寻求者,他会遭到拒绝,因为当时希特勒(Hitler)还没有上台。

    On today 's criteria he would have been rejected as an asylum seeker because Hitler was not yet in power .

  25. 但我们也没有完全与美国合作,ISI继续为塔利班战士提供武力补给,并在奎达为塔利班领导人提供庇护。

    But we weren 't exactly cooperating as the ISI was still arming Taliban fighters and giving their leaders sanctuary in Quetta .

  26. AnnaShalabayevais是穆赫塔尔·阿布利亚佐夫的妻子,阿布利亚佐夫是前哈萨克斯坦的能源部长,得到了英国的庇护,但是目前没有人清楚他在哪里。

    Anna Shalabayevais is the wife of Mukhtar Ablyazov , a former Kazakh energy minister granted asylum by Britain , but whose current whereabouts are unknown .

  27. 这位自称为Ri的军人对韩国士兵说,他需要庇护。一位不愿意透露姓名的韩国军官对韩联社说。

    The soldier , identified by his surname Ri , told South Korean soldiers he wanted asylum , an unnamed South Korean military official told Yonhap .

  28. 厄瓜多尔外长纪尧姆.隆(GuillaumeLong)没有提到这些指控,但表示“导致给予(阿桑奇)庇护的情况仍然存在”。

    Ecuador 's foreign minister Guillaume Long , made no reference to the allegations , but said " the circumstances that led to the granting of asylum ( to Mr Assange ) remain . "

  29. 埃塞俄比亚航空(EthiopianAirlines)一架客机周一被企图寻求庇护的副驾驶劫持,此事表明,尽管反恐努力持续多年,全球航空业仍然面临着一个安全不确定因素,那就是内部威胁。

    The hijacking Monday of an Ethiopian Airlines jetliner by a co-pilot seeking asylum illustrates a security wild card still facing global aviation despite years of efforts to combat terrorism : the inside threat .

  30. 据相关部门称,埃塞俄比亚航空(EthiopianAirlines)一架由该国首都亚的斯亚贝巴飞往罗马的客机周一被副驾驶员劫持并在日内瓦迫降。劫机者的目的是前往瑞士寻求庇护。

    An Ethiopian Airlines jet en route from Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , to Rome was forced to land in Geneva on Monday after the co-pilot apparently took control of the aircraft in an attempt to seek asylum in Switzerland , authorities said .