- 网络sequential equilibrium

It is considered belief consistency of participant in Bayesian equilibrium , trembling hand equilibrium and sequential equilibrium . Aad belief consistency determines the final equilibrium .
The Stackelberg competition game and interconnection quality sequential equilibrium between two IBPs ( IBPs : internet backbone providers ) is studied to promote internet development and lay out reasonable interconnection policy .
In an asymmetric duopoly option game-theoretic framework , this paper investigates the impacts of innovation capability asymmetry and the first-move advantage on firms ′ strategic R & D investment timing and derives the conditions for the preemptive , sequential and simultaneous equilibrium .
The analysis of investment strategies related to asymmetric duopoly-monopoly enterprises gives rise to an equilibrium result different from that gained in traditional research , indicating possible existence of sequential equilibrium investment . This possibility is further verified by means of numerical explanation and simulation .
Furthermore , the impact of investment cost asymmetry and required time to implement technology innovation successfully on the average time interval of the firms ' investment is analyzed under the preemptive and sequential investment equilibria , The economic explanations and implications are also provided with the analytical results .
New algorithm for solving equilibria of two-player sequential games