
  • 网络Cushing;cousin;Cusin
  1. 从俄克拉荷马州的库辛到新加坡,各地石油库存过剩的现象都愈演愈烈。

    A sea of excess inventory is building from Cushing , Okla. , to Singapore .

  2. 库辛石油的供过于求拉下了西德州中质油的价格,导致其与其他种类石油价格的背离。

    The glut of oil in Cushing has dragged down the price of WTI , causing it to diverge from other oil prices .

  3. 进步始于相信必要之事可以办到。&库辛

    Progress begins with the belief that what is necessary is possible . & Norman Cousins

  4. 如果幽默对这位面临着死亡危险的库辛起作用的话,那么幽默也会促进和保护我们的健康。

    If it worked for Cousins with a life-threatening illness , it can work for us to enhance and protect our good health .

  5. 诺曼•库辛在他的名为《解剖疾病》的书中记录了他如何通过每天大笑一段时间来治愈癌症的故事。

    Norman Cousins , in his book Anatomy of an Illness , wrote about how he cured himself of cancer by laughing a good part of each day .