
  • 网络strain gauge
  1. 本文在查阅光纤传感文献的基础上,针对光纤法珀应变传感技术现状和现有法珀应变测量仪的优缺点,在开发新型的基于DSP的一体化光纤法珀应变仪方面做了许多至关重要的工作。

    In this paper , after reading a lot of reference books and literature available on Fabry-Perot strain sensing , the author has done a lot of important studies on developing the fiber optic Fabry-Perot strain gauge integrated with DSP on the base of the technology available now .

  2. 指出完成数据采集和数据处理,显示和键盘控制是实现该基于DSP的一体化光纤应变测量仪的重要环节。

    The four key steps to realize this gauge integrated with DSP were data acquisition , data processing , data display and keyboard control .

  3. 采用GSYD-B型光纤光栅应变测量仪,利用FBG对混凝土内部应变进行了测量。

    Internal strains in concrete beam were measured via embedded novel optical fiber sensors and with a grating strain measuring system .

  4. 智能化应力&应变测量仪

    Intelligent Stress - Strain Measuring Device

  5. 用激光干涉应变-位移测量仪(ISDG)进行了裂纹闭合点的高精度动态测量。

    The crack closure is dynamically measured by means of interferometric strain-displacement gauge ( ISDG ) .

  6. (电阻)应变式轧制力测量仪

    ( resistance ) strain gauge rolling force measuring instrument

  7. 大应变测量中扩大应变仪量程的几种方法

    Some Methods Extending Measure Bound of Strain Gauges in Using to Measure Big Strain

  8. 仪器中采用应变电桥与扭矩测量仪连接,应变电桥的桥压由扭矩测量仪提供,输出信号经扭矩仪放大,再送到通用记录仪记录。

    In the measuring instrument , a strain bridge is linked with a twisting moment measuring instrument , the voltage of the strain bridge come from the twisting moment measuring instrument and their output signal was enlarged and recorded .

  9. 为了解粘着行为的机理,对法向力测量系统进行了改进,利用应变测量和动态应变仪连续采集信号实现对分离力的实时动态测量,理论分辨率达到0.023mN。

    The surface mechanics of adhesion were studied experimentally by measuring the normal forces on the surface . The system continuously records dynamic strain indicator signals so that the system can record real-time , dynamic measurements . The theoretical resolution is 0.023 mN .

  10. 求解一个一般的反问题,如何选取和得到合适的附加信息甚为关键,本文选择板表面的应变作为载荷反演的附加信息,因为实验中应变通过应变测量仪容易测量得到。

    How to select and obtain suitable additional information is very important to a common inverse problem . The strains on the surface of plate , which are easily measured by strain-gauges during experiments , are selected as additional information for load identification in this study .