
  • 网络coping capacity;ability;ability to cope;coping skill
  1. 影响新兵心理应对能力的相关因素

    Factors related to the coping capacity of recruits

  2. 中日两国癌症生存者压力及压力应对能力比较

    Comparison on pressure and coping capacity of cancer survivors between in China and in Japan

  3. 这在很大程度上是因为微笑可以增加内啡肽的分泌,迫使我们深呼吸,从而使我们更加平静,应对能力更强。

    This is largely owing to the fact that smiling boosts endorphin output and forces us to breathe deeper , resulting in a calmer outlook and increased coping ability .

  4. 然而,此时只有一家公司有应对能力,那就是IBM。

    Only one company was in a position to handle it : IBM .

  5. 我国加入WTO后,农业应对能力的提高是一个紧迫而现实的问题。

    After China enter into WTO , it is an urgent and real problem to improve countermeasure ability of agriculture .

  6. 一种新的、严重的传染病&严重急性呼吸综合征(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS),给护理工作带来很多新问题,如何提高护士的应对能力,做好培训是关键。

    The new serious contagious disease-severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ), brought about many new problems to the clinical nursing work . To improve the coping ability of each nurse effectively , good training was the key point .

  7. 结论遭遇创伤事件的外科住院患者并发PTSD概率较高,且PTSD患者护理需求高,需及早采取能满足其需求的针对性护理干预措施,以提高患者的应对能力,降低PTSD发生率。

    Conclusion After traumatic events , the hospitalized patients are predisposed to PTSD and the PTSD patients tend to have higher demand for nursing care and nursing interventions should be taken as early as possible to meet the demand of the patients and to avoid PTSD .

  8. 通过与802.11MAC能耗仿真结果对比和底层攻击仿真结果分析,可以得出STC-MAC有着较好的能量有效性和攻击应对能力。

    In view of the comparison with 802.11 MAC energy consumption and the attack simulation results , STC-MAC achieves a good energy efficient and bottom-layer attack responsibility .

  9. 结果:实验组BPRS减分率、NOISE-30总分、满意度、家属应对能力和疾病疗效等均优于对照组(P0.05)。

    Results showed that in terms of the change from baseline score of BPRS , the total score of NOISE-30 , satisfaction degree , family coping ability and curative effect , patients in test group was superior to those in control group ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 血液透析患者出血危险因素评估与应对能力的训练

    Evaluation of Hemorrhage Risk Factors in Hemodialysis Patients and Coping Training

  11. 加强消防安全教育提高紧急应对能力

    Strengthen Fire Safety Education and Develop the Emergency Response Capabilities

  12. 护士应加强自身心理承受力的锻炼,增强应对能力。

    Nurses should exercise themselves mentally to strengthen their ability to cope .

  13. 詹姆斯·博斯韦尔羡慕塞缪尔·约翰逊机敏的应对能力。

    James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson 's power of repartee .

  14. 第四是企业方面的应对能力水平还不够高。

    The fourth is the enterprises ' lack of the coping ability .

  15. 结论压力管理训练有助于提高教师的压力应对能力。

    Conclusion Stress management training can improve the stress coping ability of teachers .

  16. 航海职业学生应对能力及其相关因素分析

    The Analyzing of Navigation Professional Students ' Coping Ability and Its Correlation Factors

  17. 护理人员应对能力增强。

    Coping ability of nursing staff has been improved .

  18. 公务员公共突发事件应对能力提升初探

    Preliminary Analysis of Raising Public Servants ' Ability to Deal with Public Emergencies

  19. 医疗系统在反家暴中存在很多问题,缺乏对家庭暴力的敏感性和应对能力。

    Health system was lack of sensitivity and skills for handling domestic violence appropriately .

  20. 胸围、坐骨宽、管围等增长量差异显著(P<0.05);因此必须采取相应的对策,增强应对能力。

    Therefore , it is necessary to take corresponding countermeasures and increase handling ability '

  21. 学习心理卫生知识,提升自身对挫折的应对能力;

    Learn psychological health knowledge to enhance their own ability to cope with setbacks ;

  22. 技术创新是提高我国农业应对能力的有效途径

    Technology Innovation - a Effective Way to Improve Countermeasure Ability of Agriculture in China

  23. 组织即兴与即兴学习:提升企业的经济危机应对能力

    Make use of Organizational improvisation to enhance enterprise ability to cope with economic crisis

  24. 但在深圳过关来往香港的游客人数,超出了警方的应对能力。

    But the numbers of people crossing the border at Shenzhen have overwhelmed those efforts .

  25. 提高运动员应对能力的实验研究

    Experiment Research of Promoting Athlete Coping Ability

  26. 现代城市突发公共卫生事件应对能力的评价指标体系构建

    Establishment of Appraisal Index System of City 's Response Capacity on Emergent Public Health Events

  27. 加强国家监测和应对能力

    Strengthen national surveillance and response capacities

  28. 相信您会了解我们的远见卓识和及时应对能力。

    We are confident that you will find us extremely knowledgeable and responsive to your needs .

  29. 信息支持对喉癌术后病人压力应对能力影响的相关研究

    Related study on influence of information support on pressure coping capacity of postoperative laryngeal cancer patients

  30. 《国际卫生条例》还要求各国加强其现有的公共卫生监测和应对能力。

    The IHR also require countries to strengthen their existing capacities for public health surveillance and response .