
  • 网络Accounts Receivable;Account receivable management;Receivables Management
  1. 加强应收账款管理防范企业财务风险

    Strengthen the Management of Accounts Receivable to Guard against Financial Risks

  2. 八维公司信用政策及应收账款管理研究

    Eight-dimensional Company 's Policies Credit and Accounts Receivable Management Research

  3. DLY公司应收账款管理系统研究

    Research of Administrative System of Account Receivable of DLY Company

  4. 将运用信用管理的理论,为SSCM公司设计一套从组织设计、客户评估、信用额度确定、应收账款管理及逾期账款追收、债权保障到相关制度和流程的信用管理解决方案。

    In this chapter , the author uses credit management theory to design a credit management solution for SSCM .

  5. 时间价值在应收账款管理中的不同处理方法

    Different treatment of time value in management of receivable account

  6. 关于企业应收账款管理的思考

    A Reflect on Managing Deserved Income Account for Enterprises

  7. 论文的第二部分论述了企业应收账款管理和控制手段,主要研究了:(1)逾期应收账款和坏账的成因;

    The second part discusses the means of the receivables management and control .

  8. 浅议上市公司应收账款管理

    On Management of Accounts Receivable of an on-the-market Company

  9. 输送带制造企业应收账款管理方案

    Management Plan of Accounts Receivable in Conveyor Manufacturing Enterprises

  10. 加强应收账款管理探讨

    Probe into Strengthening the Management of the Receivable Account

  11. 跨国公司直接投资新特点及对策应收账款管理的对策浅析

    Multinational Corporation Direct Investment New Characteristic and Countermeasure Analysis

  12. 论应收账款管理的途径和措施

    An approach to the ways & measures of the management of accounts receivable

  13. 关于预拌混凝土企业应收账款管理的探讨

    Discussion on Receivable Account Management in Ready-Mixed Concrete Enterprise

  14. 加强应收账款管理增强企业竞争能力

    Strengthen receivable account management and enhance enterprise competitiveness

  15. 构建以控制为导向的应收账款管理体系

    Constructing the Management System of the Receivables with the Control as the Guiding Direction

  16. 企业内控制度在应收账款管理中的作用

    Function of Enterprise Internal Control in Management of Funds on Account to be Received

  17. 浅谈加强煤炭企业应收账款管理

    Talking about How to Strengthen the Management of Receivable Account of the Coal Enterprises

  18. 应收账款管理水平制约着企业整体管理水平的提升。

    The account receivable management level is restricting the enterprise whole management level promotion .

  19. 应收账款管理分析及几点建议

    Analysis and Advice on Account Receivable Management

  20. 各地区工业污染治理情况浅议地勘单位施工企业应收账款管理

    Industrial Pollution Abatement by Region Accounts Receivable Management in Construction Enterprises of Geological Prospecting Units

  21. 研究了对价值链下游客户的应收账款管理战略。

    Having studied the account receivable management strategy to the downstream customer of the value chain ;

  22. 第三章探讨食品制造业应收账款管理存在的问题,提出了一些改进的意见和建议,以促进加强对应收账款的控制及管理。

    We also suggest some ways to improve the weakness and strengthen the control of accounts receivable .

  23. 此外,本文还分析了信息技术在应收账款管理和信用评价中的应用。

    In addition , analyze the application of information and technology in accounts receivable management and credit appraisal .

  24. 应收账款管理的关键是信用风险管理。

    The key of the management of the fund to be received is the management of credit risk .

  25. 许多企业因应收账款管理不善导致现金流紧张,甚至陷入财务危机。

    Many companies have tense cash flow and even got into financial crisis because of poor receivables management .

  26. 我国上市公司应收账款管理与债务期限结构的相关性研究

    A Study on the Correlation between Accounts Receivable Management and Debt Maturity Structure of Listed Companies in China

  27. 信用销售会产生应收账款管理成本,同时带来坏账损失的风险。

    Credit sales will have accounts receivable management costs , and brings the risk of loss of bad debts .

  28. 为此,企业必须增加信用管理职能,改革应收账款管理。

    Therefore the enterprises must add the function of the credit management and reform the management of account receivable .

  29. 我国企业应收账款管理经过多年的探索和研究,至今仍然缺乏系统化的解决方案,而且我国社会信用环境的好坏是影响企业应收账款管理的根本要素。

    Though receivables management has been researched and developed for many years our country is still short of systematic solvent .

  30. 第四章A公司应收账款管理方案,针对应收账款管理存在的问题,提出了解决方案。

    Chapter IV , Company A accounts receivable management program , accounts receivable management for the problems , proposed solutions .