
  • 网络University of Applied Sciences;fachhochschule
  1. 主要从德国应用科学大学(FH)的形成发展及人才培养模式角度,介绍了德国应用科学大学(FH)的应用型特色,提出了中国高等教育应该由研究型为主向应用型为主转变的观点。

    Having introduced the application characteristics of German University of Applied Sciences ( FH ) in terms of its historical development and cultivation module , this paper raises the point of view that Chinese higher education should focus on application instead of research .

  2. 此次荷兰国家展区包括世界顶尖的研究型大学以及知名的应用科学大学,可谓各具特色,各有所长。

    The Holland Pavilion consists of world top research universities plus a few well-known universities of applied sciences .

  3. 斯特利尔先生是宁波工程学院和亚琛应用科学大学友好交流的开拓者。

    Strehl is the pioneer who started the friendly exchange between Ningbo University of Technology and Aachen University of Applied Science .

  4. 程序员,德国奥芬堡应用科学大学传媒工程系毕业,现居德国巴登巴登。

    Programmer , graduated from FH Offenburg with a degree in Communication and Media Engineering , now lives in Baden-Baden , Germany .

  5. 一方面,应用科学大学提供大学级别的专业培训;另一方面,高等科技学校提供专业或职业资格。

    On the one hand , the universities of Applied Sciences offer professional training at University level ; on the other hand , the higher technical schools provide professional or occupational qualifications .

  6. 受试者是江西理工大学应用科学学院大学一年级(第二学期)63名学生。

    63 college EFL students who are all freshmen ( in the second term at the college ) from two different majors in an independent college named College of Applied science , Jiangxi University of Science and Technology participated in the study as subjects .