
  1. 康熙年间带来的长期稳定和相对财富经过多年的战争和动乱。

    Kangxi 's reign brought about long-term stability and relative wealth after years of war and chaos .

  2. 过了39年,清康熙年间,太平知府徐越又续建了两层。

    After 39 , the Qing Emperor Kangxi years , and the Taiping magistrate Xu continuing the two layers .

  3. 清初顺治康熙年间,江南地区天主教传教事业尤为发达。

    During Early Qing , the Shunzhi and Kangxi eras , the Christianity spread prosperously in many areas in Jiangnan .

  4. 清朝康熙年间,对外贸易解禁,最为名贵的画珐琅传入我国。

    In Qing Dynasty , the ban on international trade was lifted and the most noble painting enamel was introduced to China .

  5. 清康熙年间解除了海禁,官方的海运事业与民间的海上贸易都得到了迅速的发展。

    During the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty , the governmental marine causes and nongovernmental marine trade both developed quickly .

  6. 康熙年间礼仪之争之后,清政府实行严厉的禁教政策近百年之久。

    The Qing government had implemented severe policy of prohibiting religion nearly one hundred years from " the struggle on etiquette " in KangXi Dynasty .

  7. 康熙年间,丝弦戏在束鹿就已遍于闾里,乾隆年间,曾在北京向清王朝献艺。

    Emperor Kangxi , silk string plays in Shulu been times in the Lv Li , Qianlong period , he performed in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty .

  8. 例如,安徽毫县县城有一座“大关帝庙”,建于清康熙年间,到乾隆初年重加施工。

    For example , there is a county town of Anhui cents " Great Temple ", built during the Qing Emperor Kangxi , Qianlong Dynasty to the heavier construction .

  9. 17世纪下半叶,沙皇俄国对我国黑龙江流域加紧了侵略活动。这时正是清朝康熙年间。

    Beginning from the late seventeenth century , during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of Qing , Tsarist Russia had intensified its encroachments on Heilongjiang Province in northeast China .

  10. 清代殿试在康熙年间即存在偏重书法、抑文重字的弊端,这与道光以后的情况相似。

    From the Kanghsi years , the malpractice of stressing the calligraphy had already existed in the Qing Dynasty palace examination , it is similar with the situation in Daoguang time later .

  11. 据康熙年间不完全统计,郭峪人在国内各地做官的有48人。一个几百户人家的山村,有如此众多的显赫人物,可见当时人文之鼎盛。

    According to the record in the period of Emperor Kangxi , it has been said there are48 people work as officials from Guoyu , so we can know how it is powerful and cultural .

  12. 从某种意义上说,康熙年间的统治,他试图统一中国,这意味着战争领主不得不回到战斗中,而是由乾隆时期,主要是它的扩展。

    Ina sense , Kangxi 's reign was a reign where he tried to reunify China , which meant the war lords had to get back in combat , but by Qianlong'sreign it was mostly expansion .

  13. 当时,已经初具规模的“厂甸”市场,加之康熙年间开始形成的“庙市”,使整个琉璃厂文化街热闹非凡。

    At the time , has begun to take shape " Changdian " market , coupled with Emperor Kangxi began to take shape between the " Temple City ," so that the whole culture of Liulichang Street bustling .

  14. 汉传佛教和藏传佛教在这一时期均有迅速发展。康熙年间,道教传入千山,逐步兴盛,形成了佛教和道教并存于千山地区,寺庙与道观并处于一山之内的现象。

    In the Kangxi Dynasty , Taoism spread to Qian mountain , its gradually prosperous has formed the phenomenon that Buddhism and Taoism coexisted in the Qian mountain area , together the temple and the Daoist temple punished at the same time in the same mountain .

  15. 文摘:定海红毛馆是康熙乾隆年间浙江对外贸易的一个窗口,开放了半个世纪。

    Abstract : The " Red Hair House " in Dinghai , which had been opened for half a century , was a window of foreign trade in Zhejiang in the periods of Emperors Kangxi and Qilong .

  16. 康熙御笔《朱子诗》书于康熙年间所产贡绢之上,诗堂为泥金描海水江涯云龙纹浅栗色纸,宫廷装裱。

    Zhu Zi Poems was written on tribute silk during Kangxi period and mounted by imperial court .