
  • 网络damage for detention
  1. 滞期费和延滞损失历来是不定期船业务中最复杂且最容易产生纠纷的一个环节,因而已经有许多详尽且精彩的著作。

    Demurrage and damage for detention have always been one of the most complicated parts of tramp shipping business , causing lots of disputes .

  2. 试论延滞损失的几个法律问题

    Legal Issues of Damage for Detention

  3. 滞期费和延滞损失是不定期船业务中很重要的两个概念。

    Is it possible to delay cargo releasing and caused the demurrage charges .

  4. 而本文主要去研究和论述滞期费和延滞损失的若干相关法律问题,并在此基础上总结船东该如何在实务和法律上维护自己的滞期费和延滞损失的权益。

    This Thesis aims to discuss and study on the related legal issues of demurrage and damage for detention , and base on which advice and suggestion will be given to the Ship Owners about how to protect their own interest of demurrage and damage for detention .