
jiàn zhù cái liào
  • building materials;construction material;material of construction
  1. 当地的公司支援了建筑材料和劳动力。

    Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour .

  2. 我们批量购买建筑材料。

    We buy the building materials wholesale .

  3. 罗马人首先使用混凝土作建筑材料。

    The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material .

  4. 作为一种建筑材料,木材不够结实。

    As a building material , wood is not sturdy enough .

  5. 这批建筑材料由三个单位均分。

    This lot of building materials will be shared equally among three units .

  6. 这些遇难的水手在岛上找到一些建筑材料搭了一个简陋的房子。

    The Ship-wrecked sailors were able to fit a rough shelter together from building materials that they found on the island .

  7. 然而,他们也使用了更多的自然资源燃料、水(所有那些浴室和高尔夫球场)和建筑材料。

    They also , however , use far more natural resources-fuel , water ( all those baths and golf courses ) and building materials .

  8. 有机硅建筑材料利用废PS制备建筑保温材料


  9. PCM建筑材料的热特性及计算模型

    The Thermophysical Properties and Computer Modeling of PCM Structural Materials

  10. 针对Z公司成本管理中建筑材料费浪费严重的问题,本文提出了目标成本管理的方法进行解决。

    Z company for cost management company in charge of construction materials and waste remain serious problems , this paper , the goal of cost management methods to solve .

  11. 相对于传统建筑材料,碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)具有轻质、高强、耐久性好和可设计性强的优点。

    Compared to the traditional structural materials , a carbon fiber reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) has advantages of light-weight , high-strength , long-maintenance and designable .

  12. 其中,将回收的PET废旧塑料通过一定技术处理应用到道路建设和建筑材料当中,是一项符合持续发展规律的有效措施。

    Among all technologies , one would make it possible for recycling PET waste plastics to use as road construction and building materials , which is an effective measure to keep sustainable development .

  13. CRH公司的目标一直都是:成为建筑材料领域的国际化的领导者。

    CRH has been the company 's goal : to become the field of construction materials of the international leaders .

  14. 该模型表明:居室中的氡量与换气率之间近似存在e的负指数关系,而与建筑材料的氡析出量之间存在正比关系。

    This model indicates that the amount of radon in living house has relation of negative index of Exp with the exchanging rate of gases , and has direct ratio with the emanation quantity of radon of building materials ;

  15. 随着现代建筑材料的大量使用,建筑装修过程中粘结剂、涂料和油漆等建筑材料释放出来的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)已经成为影响室内空气质量主要根源。

    VOCs which is released by building materials , such as binder , paint and so on , has been the source of bad indoor air quality with large-scale use of modern building materials .

  16. 因此,增钙飞灰属CaO-SiO2-Al2O3三无系统玻璃体,含有潜在水硬性矿物,是一种应用于建筑材料方面较好的硅酸盐材料。

    Therefore adding Calcium fly ash belongs to three & component system CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 with potential hydration ability , hence is a better silicate material as building materials .

  17. 方法按国家标准(GB6566-2000)《建筑材料放射卫生防护标准》规定采样测定。

    Methods To sample and determine according to Standard of Radiation Hygiene and Protection of Building Materials ( GB6566-2000 ) .

  18. 相变储能材料(PCMs)是近年来国际材料学科研究的热点,并已经在建筑材料、空调、太阳能利用等领域得到了广泛的使用。

    Phase Change Materials ( PCMs ) is the hot topic of international material research in the latest years , and they have been widely applied in a lot of areas such as architecture materials , air conditioning and solar energy application .

  19. 选用新型建筑材料减轻房屋结构重量

    Choosing new type of building materials to decrease building structures weight

  20. 哈密地区建筑材料氡发射系数测定

    Determination of radon emissive coefficient of building materials in Hami Prefecture

  21. 橡塑助剂防水涂料加工销售,建筑材料销售。

    Xiangsu waterproofing paint fertilizer sales processing , building materials sales .

  22. 建筑材料生命周期评价中不可再生资源耗竭性当量的研究

    Study on equivalent of non-renewable resources depletion for building materials life-cycle-assessment

  23. 相转变材料在建筑材料中的应用综述

    A Review of application of phase change material in building materials

  24. 因此,建筑材料租赁行业应运而生。

    Therefore , building materials leasing industry came into being .

  25. 更多的新建筑材料跟技术都在发展。

    More new building materials and technology are in development .

  26. 入口:建筑材料、五金、钢制商品等。

    Imports : Building Materials , Hardware , Steel Merchandise Etc.

  27. 利用油田污泥烧结制作建筑材料的研究

    Study on Building Materials Using Oily Sludge by Sintered Method

  28. 建筑材料物化环境状况的定量评价

    Quantitative assessment of the embodied environmental profile of building materials

  29. 建筑材料及制品燃烧性能试验规范概述

    Review on Experimental Regulations for Combustion Performance of Building Materials and Products

  30. 新型节能环保功能性建筑材料的性能研究

    Research on New Energy Saving Environmental Protection Functional Construction Material