
  1. 古典建筑的魅力

    Glamour of Classical Building

  2. 文中通过对基本资料的收集和分析,归纳出属于南京民国建筑的艺术魅力,来把握民国建筑的特征和精髓。

    Based on the collection and analysis of these basic data , the thesis induces the artistic charm that is unique to Nanjing roc building , and taking the constructions as a whole , grasps the characteristics and essence of the architecture of that time .

  3. 它以其独特的艺术语言使建筑具有迷人的魅力。

    It enable the building by its unique artistic language to have the enchanting charm .

  4. 陶瓷壁画在建筑装饰中的魅力

    Charm of Ceramic Frescoes in Construction Decoration

  5. 学生可以更加直观的感受、体验空间的实效性,感受建筑空间的巨大魅力,激发学生对建筑设计的兴趣,从而加强专业素能的培养。

    Feel the great charm of architectural space , to stimulate students interest in architectural design .

  6. 从其装饰线条、装饰构件、装饰色彩的独特表现,演绎了哈尔滨地域建筑文化的独特魅力,被视为特有的哈尔滨文化。

    From its unique style of decorative mould , adornment component and decorative colors , it deduces the unique charm of its own regional architectural culture of Harbin .

  7. 近代哈尔滨的俄罗斯建筑具有独特的艺术魅力,它随着俄罗斯建筑设计者的到来而被引入了哈尔滨这片土地。

    The Russian architecture which was built in Harbin during modern ages has its special artistic charm .

  8. 文章从查济古民居砖雕的发展原因、制作过程和表现形式入手,来展示这一建筑装饰艺术的独特魅力。

    The thesis sets from the development reasons , fabrication process and expression forms of the brick carving in Zhaji folk houses to exhibit the unique enchantment of this decorative art .

  9. 楼阁建筑是我国古代建筑重要类型之一,体现了我国古代传统建筑的独特魅力。

    Storied building is one of the important types of Chinese ancient architecture . It embodies the unique charm of traditional architecture .

  10. 现代建筑已不仅仅只拥有其使用功能,从视觉审美角度讲,建筑本身也是景观,使观者在视觉审美上得到满足,这也正是建筑空间艺术的魅力所在。

    Modern architecture not only possesses its use function , but it also is , from the point of visual aesthetics , a landscape which satisfied the viewers visually , in which lies the glamour of architectural space art .