
  • 网络constructor;The Builder
  1. 给出了抽象工厂模式,建造者模式,适配器模式在Delphi环境中的具体实现方法。

    These are abstract factory schemas , builder schemas and adapter schemas . Methods of these schemas are implemented in Delphi developing environment .

  2. 然而,他看上去并不像是一个帝国建造者。

    Yet he does not look like an empire builder .

  3. 但我们不能等待《巴塞尔协议III》的建造者。

    But we cannot wait for the Basel III builders .

  4. 前田证实,40英里长的华盛顿至巴尔的摩线路的磁悬浮导轨和推进系统将由东京至大阪磁悬浮线路的建造者日本中央铁路公司(JRCentral)免费提供。

    Maeda confirmed that the maglev guideway and propulsion system would be provided free for the 40-mile Washington-Baltimore link by the creators of the Tokyo-Osaka maglev line , the central Japan Railway Company ( JR central ) .

  5. 这座桥位于张家界大峡谷,是世界上最长、最高的玻璃桥,桥面离地300米。大桥的建造者邀请BBC记者丹·西蒙斯来到张家界,让他尽全力猛砸桥面。

    The makers of the world 's longest and highest glass-bottomed bridge in Central China 's Zhangziazie Grand Canyon invited BBC 's Dan Simmons to try to smash his way through the panels - some 300 metres above the ground .

  6. 然后把所有事情留给建造者们。

    And then leave things in the hands of the builders .

  7. 路易与建造者的经历仍旧如昔

    Louis ' experience with his builders was a familiar one .

  8. 而我确不曾听见些许建造者的交谈与嘈杂。

    But I never heard any noise or sound of builders .

  9. 他是巨石阵的建造者,设计者或神父吗?

    Was he its founder , a designer , a priest ?

  10. 他们参与其中,但他们并不是唯一的建造者。

    They were involved , but they weren 't the only ones .

  11. 繁星之下的建造者,他们所建造太渺少。

    Too low they build who build beneath the stars .

  12. 按照惯例,高层建筑的建造者会假设将发生分阶段疏散。

    Conventionally , builders of high-rises have assumed staged evacuations will occur .

  13. 可只他只是设计者而不是建造者;根据。

    He had won a contest sponsored by the government .

  14. 当时的建造者采用了一种称作版筑夯土墙的方法。

    Instead , their builders used a method called earth-ramming .

  15. 建造者专注于建造一个帝国卫星。

    The builder focuses on building a planetary empire .

  16. 标识这个模板类别的字符串,模板建造者是为该模板类别指定的。

    String identifying the template class for which this template builder is specified .

  17. 他是一个殖民者,帝国建造者。

    He is the colonist , the empire builder .

  18. 这座古老的桥梁显示出设计院与建造者的天才。

    The ancient bridge bore the press of genius .

  19. 我曾奔走寻找轮回建造者;

    I have run , not finding although seeking the builder of this house ;

  20. 而他就是这个机器的建造者。

    He was the one who built it .

  21. 该公司说,恶劣的天气使得建造者们的生活很艰苦。

    Harsh weather has made life hard for the builders , the company said .

  22. 专家认为史前巨石柱的建造者知道设计,技术和声学的原理。

    Experts believe the builders of Stonehenge knew about design , engineering and sound .

  23. 帕克·皮尔森猜想这是巨石阵建造者的失落之城。

    Parker Pearson suspects this was the lost city of the builders of Stonehenge .

  24. 参观者很荣幸地见到了这座纪念碑的建造者。

    The visitors were very lucky to have met the erector of the monument .

  25. 网络建造者需要规模效应来支撑沉重的研发固定成本支出。

    Network-builders need scale to support the hefty fixed costs of research and development .

  26. 按照惯例,高层建筑的建造者会假设将发生“分阶段疏散”。

    Conventionally , builders of high-rises have assumed " staged evacuations " will occur .

  27. “代达罗斯:著名的艺术家和发明家,是迷宫的建造者.”

    " Daedalus : a legendary artist and inventor , builder of the Labyrinth . "

  28. 但它们同样是建造者血汗的证明。

    They also stand as testimony to the sweat and blood shed by the builders .

  29. 庞培过去是一个吸引富有的罗马帝国建造者在经历艰辛的帝国建造时期后到此放松的疗养胜地。

    It was a place where rich Romans came to unwind after some hard empire-building .

  30. 建造者于1173年打下比萨斜塔的最初的石基。

    Workers laid the original stone foundation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in 1173 .