
  • 网络Open Park
  1. 开放式公园景观设计&以杭州市钱江新城市民公园为例

    Discussion on Landscape Design of Open Park & A Case of Qianjiang New City Civil Park in Hangzhou

  2. 两江四湖成为桂林最大的开放式公园和继漓江后的又一条黄金水道。

    The Two Rivers and Four Lakes have become the largest open park of Guilin and another golden waterway after the Lijiang River .

  3. 创建城市居民的后花园&从武汉滨江公园看小型开放式公园建设

    Establishing Backyard for Urban Residents & On the Small Scale Riverside Park of Wuhan

  4. 以迎泽公园为例谈城市开放式公园的景观设计

    Landscape Design of City Opening Park

  5. 对于开放式公园规划建设中不同于传统封闭式公园的方面,进行了详细的探讨和研究。

    The aspect that the free-admission park is different from the traditional enclosed type is given the specific exploration and research .

  6. 客观指出目前我国开放式公园发展建设中存在的普遍问题,并提出了相应的解决问题的方法。

    We must objectively point out the common problem in the process of the construction of free-admission park and propose the solutions accordingly .

  7. 现代开放式城市公园设计探究

    The Elementary Study on the Design of Free Admission Park

  8. 开放式城市公园游人破坏性行为及其设计对策研究

    Research on Visitor 's Disruptive Behavior and the Design Strategies of Free Admission Park

  9. 并且提出将开放式民俗文化主题公园与城市公共绿地体系相结合,使开放式民俗文化主题公园成为既具有一定社会公益效益的城市园林绿地,又具有产生一定经济效益的文化产业。

    Moreover , the paper puts forward combining open style folklore culture theme park with green public space of city , which makes open style folklore culture theme park becomes not only open space that possesses social benefit , but culture industry that possesses economic benefit .

  10. 结合济宁市人民公园改建工程,将理论应用于实践分析中,总结人民公园从封闭式向开放式转变过程中的成功之处和不足之处,对今后市区开放式城市公园的设计有一定的指导意义。

    According to the project of reconstruction of Jining People Park , I appy the theory into the practical analysis and make a conclusion of the success and failure in the course of transformation from the enclosed type to the free admission by taking the People Park as the example .