
  • 网络Cape;KETOP;KIPOR
  1. 他现在为东开普省农业和土地事务部(EasternCapeDepartmentofAgricultureandLandAffairs)工作。

    He now works for the Eastern Cape Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs .

  2. 2004/05年度进行的一次外界评估,建议我们扩展服务规模,因而乐施会也在东开普省(EasternCape)开展了工作。

    An external evaluation conducted in2004 / 2005 recommended that we scale-up the programme , and we have begun working in Eastern Cape , too .

  3. 开普拓联合5-FU治疗5-FU耐药的晚期大肠癌

    Effects of camptothecin plus 5-FU in treating patients with 5-FU resistant advanced colorectal cancer

  4. 结果表明:库拉索芦荟、斑纹芦荟、木立芦荟和开普芦荟的液汁密度相差不显著,pH值均在4.24~5.25范围之间。

    Results show that there are no significant differences in the density , and pH values which range from 4.24 to 5.25 , between the four aloe juices .

  5. 东开普流水体出现在库克海峡峡谷水深200m附近和陆架外缘。开普。

    East Cape Current water occurred deeper than 200 m in the Cook Strait Canyon , and beyond the shelf edge .

  6. 开普拓(CPT-11)治疗中国人晚期大肠癌初步结果

    Preliminary Result of Irinotecan ( CPT-11 ) in the Treatment of Chinese Patients with Advanced Colorectal Cancer

  7. 开普认为,在冈比西斯战败后,波斯国王大流士一世(DariusI)平定了长达2年的残酷战争。

    According to Kaper , the Persian king Darius I put an end to this Egyptian rebellion in a bloody battle two years after Cambyses was defeated .

  8. 目的观察开普拓(CPT11)联合5-氟尿嘧啶(5FU)治疗5FU耐药晚期大肠癌的效果。

    Objective To investigate the effects of camptothecin ( CPT 11 ) plus 5 FU in treating patients with 5 FU resistant advanced colorectal cancer .

  9. 按照南非生物多样性和葡萄酒倡议(biodiversityandwineinitiative),五万公顷(相当于开普葡萄园面积的一半)葡萄园被划为保护地区,旨在鼓励南非所有葡萄酒庄园进行长期可持续的种植采摘。

    Under the auspices of a biodiversity and wine initiative , 50000 hectares ( equivalent to half of the total area under vine in the Cape ) have been set aside for conservation . The long term aim is to encourage sustainable farming on all South African wine farms .

  10. 在晚期胃癌的临床研究中,泰索帝和开普拓(CPT-11)比奥沙利铂、S-1和其他正在进行早期研究的新药显得更有发展前景。

    Taxotere and CPT-11 appear to hold more promise in the investigation of patients with AGC than drugs like oxaliplatin , S-1 , or many new classes of compounds that are under early investigation .

  11. KellyChibale是南非开普大学的有机化学教授兼南非医学研究理事会药物发现与开发研究组主任。

    Kelly Chibale is a professor of organic chemistry at the University of Cape , South Africa and director of the South African Medical Research Council 's Drug Discovery and Development Research Unit .

  12. 然而,当代埃及考古学家奥拉夫·开普(OlafKaper)对此却持相反观点,自19世纪以来,民间人士和考古专家一直在寻找这支军队,开普表示,一些人期许在地底下找到这支全副武装的军队。

    However , modern Egyptologist Olaf Kaper was skeptical . Since the 19th century , people have been looking for this army : amateurs , as well as professional archaeologists , Kaper said .

  13. 开普从考古发掘、历史记载,尤其是一位埃及叛军领袖的手稿中判断,波斯军队是在去戴拉(Dachla)绿洲的路上莫名消失的,而该地是叛军领袖派塔贝斯特斯三世(PetubastisIII)的军队所驻扎之地。

    By piecing together information from excavations , historical records , and especially the writings of an Egyptian rebel leader ( which Kaper had translated from ancient temple blocks ) , Kaper believes the Persian army was on its way to Dachla Oasis , where the rebel leader Petubastis III and his troops had been located .

  14. 与此同时,与曼德拉在东开普省库努(Qunu)农村的住处相望的一家卫理公会教堂,社区内人员还聚在一起唱歌、祈祷。

    Meanwhile , in a Methodist church overlooking Mr. Mandela 's rural home of Qunu , community members also gathered in song and prayer . '

  15. 小的腔吻鳕稚鱼(2.0~3.9mm)数在卵高密度集区和开普。坎贝尔附近最多,而较大的稚鱼(>10mm)在近岸区最多。

    Numbers of small hoki larvae ( 2.0 ~ 3.9 mm ) were greatest in areas of high egg abundance and near Cape Campbell , whereas larger larvae ( > 10 mm ) were most abundant in nearshore areas .

  16. 奥茨留在开普埃文斯,喂养小马。

    themselves.Oates stayed at Cape Evans and looked after his ponies .

  17. 开普封层在农村公路路面中的应用与评价

    Application of Cape Seal on Pavement of Rural Roads and Evaluation

  18. 开普封层在重庆市县乡公路中的应用研究

    The Research on Application of Cape Seal at County Road in Chongqing

  19. 开普拓对人宫颈癌荷瘤裸鼠放射增敏作用的实验研究

    Radiosensitizing effect of CPT-11 on cervical carcinoma transplanted tumor in nude mice

  20. 开普的叛变几乎使他发疯。

    He was almost ecstatically exasperated by Kemp 's treachery .

  21. 开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体核型分析

    Karyotype analysis of Aloe ferox Miller and Aloe arborescens Miller sunflower opening

  22. 我们觉得那个夏天他也可能在开普�

    And we think he might 've been in Cape May the summer .

  23. 4月6日,这所位于东开普省的监狱报告了首例病例。

    The facility in the Eastern Cape reported its first case on April 6 .

  24. 他出生在南非东开普省的偏远山区。

    He was born in the remote hills of South Africa 's Eastern Cape .

  25. 开普的脸上露出不以为然的神气。

    Kemp 's face grew a trifle hard .

  26. 东开普省的民众沿路为他送行。

    The people of the eastern Cape took over to give him their send-off .

  27. 开普拓的各种联合化疗方案均显示了相当好的缓解率。

    Various combinations of CPT-11 have been studied resulting in a very decent response rate .

  28. 侦探A:我想你妻子肯定告诉过你,在布瑞.范.德.开普家发现了一支枪吧?

    Detective A : I 'm sure your wife told you a gun was recently discovered at bree van de kamp 's house .

  29. 在开普半岛的东海岸,你可以乘坐佛斯湾海岸线的市郊火车,逐个停留游览沿途沙滩和独特的村庄。

    On the east coast of the Cape peninsula , you can catch a commuter train along the False Bay coastline , stopping at beaches and quaint villages .

  30. 12月15日,曼德拉将被埋葬在他的家乡东开普省库努村。

    On Dec. 15 , a funeral service and interment ceremony will take place at Mandela 's home and final resting place at Qunu in the Eastern Cape .