
  • 网络open source community
  1. PHP在开源社区十分流行,因为它能够创建动态Web应用程序。

    PHP is popular in the open source community because of its capability to create dynamic Web applications .

  2. 现在让我们来探索一下,Linux和开源社区如何为云计算领域做出贡献。

    Let 's now explore how Linux and the open source community contribute to the world of cloud computing .

  3. 为开源社区以及linux内核开发者提供了一套可参考的模型。

    It provides a set of reference models for Linux kernel developer and open source community .

  4. Eclipse是一个集成开发环境(integrateddevelopmentenvironment,IDE),由开源社区开发,可方便而经济地进行软件开发和部署。

    Eclipse is an integrated development environment ( IDE ), developed by an open source community for easy and cost-effective software development and deployment .

  5. 大量特定的插件程序可以从IBM及其商业伙伴,以及开源社区中获得。

    A large number of specialized plug-ins are available from IBM , its partners , and the open source community .

  6. 该开源社区已开发了广泛的硬件驱动程序,用于Linux操作系统内部。

    The open source community has developed a wide range of hardware drivers to be used within the Linux operating system .

  7. 毫不夸张地说,PHP开源社区已经为实现各种用途开发了数以千计的PHP应用程序。

    The PHP open source community has developed literally thousands of PHP applications for many different uses .

  8. 作为采用SOA模型的组织,他们也转向开源社区的部件和其它技术方案。

    As organizations adopt the SOA model , they also turn to the open source community for components and other technology solutions .

  9. IBM继续与开源社区紧密合作,合作范围从Linux、Eclipse和Apache到云计算。

    From Linux , Eclipse , and Apache to cloud computing , IBM continues to work closely with the open source community .

  10. 目标是为Linux和开源社区带来调节作用,提前限制这些组织用来对抗Linux的资源。

    The goal is to give the Linux and open source community the leverage to proactively limit the resources that organizations can use against Linux .

  11. 在开源社区中,企业服务总线(ESB)已成为SOA的最佳基础设施。

    In the open source world , Enterprise Service Buses ( ESBs ), have emerged as the best infrastructure to support SOA .

  12. FlexSDK在2006年随FlexV2一起发布到开源社区。

    The Flex SDK was released to the open source community in2006 with Flex V2 .

  13. 论文首先介绍了论文的项目背景和研究意义,介绍了国内外开源社区的发展状况,根据开源项目的管理和开发架构需求提出采用SCA架构构建开源社区。

    According to open source development framework for project management and demand proposed open source community architecture based on SCA .

  14. IBM正在提升它在软件应用程序开发和开源社区(通过提供对其软件应用程序开发方法的共享)中的领导地位。

    IBM is putting its leadership in software application development and the open source community to use by offering to share its software application development methodologies .

  15. 相反,开源社区则强调将语言绑定(比如,从Java到XML的绑定)从传输和消息传递中清楚地划分出来。

    The open source community on the other hand made the important decision to cleanly separate language binding ( Java to XML binding for instance ) from transport and messaging .

  16. 这两个项目与RubyonRails一样,都是从现有的应用程序中提取出来发布到开源社区中的。

    Both projects , like Ruby on Rails , were extracted from existing applications and released to the open source community .

  17. ESB得益于大型的开源社区,同时它也直接面临着新技术的挑战,如BPM、动态语言和RESTfulWebServices。

    ESBs benefit from large open-source communities and are directly exposed to emerging technology challenges such as BPM , dynamic languages and RESTful Web Services .

  18. 1998年爱立信在改良的MPL(MozillaPublicLicense)许可下将Erlang发布于开源社区。

    In1998 Ericsson released Erlang to the open source community under a Modified MPL ( Mozilla Public License ) .

  19. 幸运的是,Linux和开源社区有很多选择,它们不但非常容易使用,而且还可以支持与硬件平台的直接链接。

    Luckily , the Linux and open source communities have several options that are not only easy to use but can even support direct linkage to hardware platforms .

  20. 我们高度推荐Linux的新用户浏览并利用这些开源社区以及它们对Linux用户的支持和帮助。

    It is highly recommended that a new Linux user investigate and make use of the open source community and their willingness to support and assist Linux users .

  21. Android与iPhone开发者所领导的开源社区的数量是Symbian开发者的3倍多。

    Android and iPhone developers are three times more likely to lead open source communities compared to Symbian developers .

  22. IBM的目的是提供各种资源来发展社区,贡献模板和示例,以及在广泛接受的开源社区许可条款下让代码可用。

    IBM intends to offer resources to invigorate the community , donate templates and samples , and make code available under widely accepted open source community license terms .

  23. MQTT是由IBM开发的信息传递协议,以前可用于WebSphereMessageBroker并由IBM捐献给开源社区。

    MQTT is a messaging protocol developed by IBM , previously available in WebSphere Message Broker , and donated by IBM to the open-source community .

  24. 我们也很自豪于通过Scan(http://scan.coverity.com)向开源社区报告我们的工具所发现的缺陷。

    We are also proud to provide the open source community with defects found by our tools at Scan ( http : / / scan . coverity . com ) .

  25. 在开源社区中,ESB社区非常活跃,与大型机相比,社区中的年轻开发人员能更好地理解ESB。

    ESBs are a very dynamic segment of the open-source market and are much better understood by the younger developers community than the mainframe .

  26. Oracle的管理对于Java技术的未来发挥着重要的作用,但同样不会忽视Java开发和开源社区的意愿和创造力。

    Oracle 's stewardship has an important role in shaping the future of Java technology , but so do the will and creativity of the Java development and open source communities .

  27. 起初,Wink是由开源社区的多个厂商和成员发起的一个协作项目。

    Wink was started as a collaborative effort between various vendors and members of the open source community .

  28. 众所周知的是,IBM是Linux开源社区的一个很重要的贡献者,已经贡献了很多项目,例如日志文件系统、调度程序,等等。

    It is also well known that IBM is a strong contributor to the Linux open source community and has contributed features such as journaled file systems , schedulers and more .

  29. 开源社区的成员提供了一些Web页面,其中给出了一些管理技巧、邮件列表、FAQs以及其他一些有用的资源。

    Members of the open source community provide web pages that provide administration tips , mailing lists , FAQs , and other useful resources .

  30. Sun在上周向新成立的开源社区OpenxVM提供了xVMOpsCenter的开源版本。

    Sun released open source version of xVM Ops Center last week to the newly formed open source community OpenxVM .