
  • 网络Dismissal from the Party;expelled from party
  1. Tyler继WilliamHarrison后担任美国总统。遭辉格党开除党籍,之后与自由党关系密切,但是又被劝说不要加入民主党(他曾经的党派)。

    Served the remainder of William Harrison 's term . Denied renomination by the Whigs , Tyler flirted with the Liberty Party , but was persuaded not to run by the Democrats ( his former party ) .

  2. 严重触犯刑律的党员必须开除党籍。

    Party members who have seriously violated the criminal law shall be expelled from the Party .

  3. 他于2006年9月被免除上海市委书记职务,此后被开除党籍。

    After being dismissed as Shanghai party secretary in September 2006 , he was expelled from the Communist Party .

  4. 纪检委向我宣布开除党籍决定时,那位纪检干部曾问过我这样的问题:“党的组织原则是什么?”

    When the Discipline Inspecting Committee declared the decision to remove my Party membership , the Discipline Inspecting official asked me ," What are the Party 's organizational principles ?"

  5. 江西省两名官员因涉嫌稀土开采和水力项目贪污而被撤销职务,开除党籍。

    And two officials in Jiangxi Province have been dismissed from their posts and expelled from the Party for corruption tied to rare earth mining and water resource projects .

  6. 在其声明中监察部称,杨琨已经被开除党籍公职,其行为已构成严重违纪。

    the disciplinary agency said that Mr. Yang had been expelled from the Communist Party and removed from all public office . ' Yang Kun 's behavior constitutes a serious discipline violation , ' it said .

  7. 约翰是匹害群之马,被开除了党籍。

    John was a black sheep and was driven out of the Party .

  8. 各级党组织在决定或批准开除党员党籍的时候,应当全面研究有关的材料和意见,采取十分慎重的态度。

    In deciding on or approving an expulsion , Party organizations at all levels should study all the relevant facts and opinions and exercise extreme caution .

  9. 有观察人士期望马来党要么开除他的党籍,要么撤销他槟城区首领的职务。

    Observers expect the Malay party to either throw Ahmad out of the party or to strip him of his post as a division chief in northern Penang state .

  10. 2013年3月,国家开除了刘铁男国家能源局局长职务,5个月之后开除党籍。

    Liu was sacked as the director of the National Energy Administration in March 2013 and expelled from the party five months later .