- 名A stranger;a non-native

In chapter one , I analyze the main character of the movies , which are strangers , through the experience of Lars von Trier and Dogma movie group .
Identity with Modernity and Regression to Tradition of Strangers in City
In my imagination the ritual should be sacred and solemn .
The homeless stranger & Interpreting Franz Kafka and his novels
I 'm a stranger to these parts .
Oh I feel like an alien , a stranger in an alien place .
Meet a foreigner , fall madly in love and spend your lives together .
It often takes a foreign eye , he said , to see the beauty .
Some people in small towns do not like the out-of-town come to their towns .
That 's why I was no foreigner to them , they were my clouds .
East of the river , strangers from across the seas were seen less seldom .
People here are so friendly and open that I forget that I am a foreigner .
You know , you are foreign there , so there 's a bit of interest with that .
I was a bit surprised because a floater like me could not possibly offer much help to her .
Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness ; natives give it solidity and continuity ; but the settlers give it passion .
He suffered from diseases and was torn by the conflict of pursuit and abandonment , but his life was far-reaching and penetrable ;
Much Account Is Made of Humanities Education with Appeal to the Return of Tradition Identity with Modernity and Regression to Tradition of Strangers in City
She was still a foreigner , unsure of her ground . Some people in small town do not like out-of-towny come to their town .
Pearl S.Buck s " Outsider " Identity and " Marginalizer " Personality ; When they talk about human dignity , they should not forget national dignity .
An outsider can muddle through an unfamiliar wilderness at some level , but to thrive or to survive a crisis , he 'll require local expertise .
Why do I speak in generalities when strangers ask me what I do for a living and then try to pin down what kind of books I write ?
Alas , I cannot stay in the house , and home has become no home to me , for the eternal Stranger calls , he is going along the road .
The tragedy in pursuit of home between history and culture and between the city and countryside discloses the stranger 's struggle spirit and reveals novel 's aesthetic style of tragedy .
For people who have left their hometown and have been wandering , no matter how long they have been living overseas , they will have a sense of uncertainty about the future .
Those authors who were born in the 50 ′ s of last century are faced with city as strangers . They marched into city and thirsted for being assimilated because of identity with enlightening modernity .
In his view , since different moral communities have different moral presuppositions and premises , disputes among moral strangers are endless . His concern with these differences is one major founding point for his procedure principle .
Mr Novikov insists that the offhand service that often distresses visitors to Moscow is improving . But he concedes that surliness endures , even among waiters and waitresses who grew up in the privatised , post-Soviet years .
First of all , with more and more overseas medical exchanges , medical cooperation will unavoidably face the dilemma of moral strangers . Possible moral disputes in such situations could be solved by using Principle of Permission .
It was no accident in the ' 60s and ' 70s , when alienation was in flower , that it often seemed to be " native " Americans who felt alienated , while aliens or the children of aliens upheld the native values .
Travellers in remote parts , from Poland to Peru , come home with stories of bread , shelter , even beds shared without question with the stranger on the peasant principle that " A guest in the house is God in the house . "